Schedule a Visit to the Tauber Holocaust Library.

Library Books

The Tauber Holocaust Library collects books dealing with every aspect of the Holocaust, and makes them available for use on the premises by students, scholars, researchers, and the general public. 

The collection focuses on:
  • Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust
  • Nazi rise to power and propaganda
  • Nazi racial theory and antisemitism
  • Anti-Jewish policy and persecution in Germany and occupied countries
  • Flight, emigration, and refugee life
  • Nazi occupation of conquered Europe
  • Deportation and execution of Jewish communities
  • Ghettos and concentration camps (transit, labor, and extermination)
  • Reaction of world community to events
  • Resistance and partisan activities
  • Liberation
  • War trials
  • Post-war displaced persons and immigration
  • Holocaust memorials and memory
  • Second- and third-generation healing
  • Holocaust denial
  • The Armenian, Rwandan, Bosnian, and other genocides
  • Genocide: theory, case studies, and comparisons

The library holdings include the complete transcripts, in English and in German, of the Nuremberg and various other wartime trials, and the subsequent Nuremberg hearings involving the German military commanders on trial for war crimes. The library also has the complete proceedings and transcripts in English of the Adolf Eichmann trial held in Israel.

The Tauber Holocaust Library’s holdings are primarily in English, but with a sizable number in more than 12 languages, among them German, French, Dutch, Czech, Polish, and Russian. The library has been officially recognized by the California State Library as a California State Resource. This is a non-circulating library, and it does not participate in any library loan exchange program.

Rare Books

The Tauber Holocaust Library has a collection of rare books from the Holocaust era, including books published by the Nazi party and Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic press. Also included are immediate post-war publications, documenting the events of the Holocaust for the first time in print.

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