JFCS Holocaust Center Responds to Surge in Antisemitism with Survivor Testimony
Our community is inspired by the more than 1,000 students, educators, and parents from all over the Bay Area who took the time to attend a Confronting Antisemitism workshop this past academic year.

Attendees grappled with the term “antisemitism” and its profound impact throughout history and in everyday life. Students and their parents gathered together to hear life-changing testimony from Anita, Holocaust survivor, and Channy, Cambodian Genocide survivor.
After hearing Channy’s testimony, one participant wrote, “It is a privilege to be invited into another’s life on a such profoundly personal and transcendentally universal level.”
Anita inspired listeners to develop a “moral compass” and speak up to injustice. Her story resonated with the workshop theme, upstanders; an upstander saved her family during the Holocaust.
Partnering with the Marin County Office of Education for this year’s Confronting Antisemitism workshops has proven to be an urgent response to a global rise in antisemitism and a successful model to continue with other local school districts.