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Collection Lists

1988-1001 US Army Manual for Control of German Information Services 12-May-45 Describes policy and operations procedures of US occupation of Germany following end of war in May 1945.
1988-1010 “Report on Germany” 16 May 1945 Published by the Union of Democratic Control, London. Presents British Marxist view of Nazi period and immediate post-war problems.
1988-1012 Handbuch zum Entschadigungsverfahren. n.d. Includes maps showing location of German concentration camps in Germany and occupied Europe, prepared by Edward Kossoy, Munich.
Four maps: Map 1: Polanen, Frank.., Nord Africa; Map 2: MittelEuropa; Map 3: Polen and Balticum; Map 4: Donaurum and Italia.
1988-1013 Reverend Paul Hecht, statement and list n.d. Documents (1) personal history in Berlin 1938-1939; (2) list of names of functionaries of Berlin Jewish congregations deported 1939-1942, showing KZ camps where killed; (3) list of names of members of Hecht family deported 1939-1942, showing KZ camps where killed.
1988-1027 Merkblatt fur die Umsiedlungsaktion der in Wien Wohnenden Juden in Polnisches Gebiet 23 October 1939 Official deportation order and registration form with instructions regarding deportation of Jews from Vienna to the “Polish territories”
1988-1037 Theresiendstadt (Terezin) Paper currency
View Terezin currency.
1943 “Eine Krone” bill. Example of currency issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp in Czechoslovakia
1988-1041 Der Deutsche Polizeibeamte, Berlin 1 May 1937 Official Nazi police instruction manual, including a section on “Obtaining Accurate Information from Informers”
1988-1043 “The Effects of Strategic Bombing on German Morale” May 1947 (Vol. I) and December 1946 (Vol. II) Published by United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Morale Division, Washington. Describes social and political conditions in Nazi Germany during latter period of WWII
1988-1045 Dr. Walter Feuereisen, papers 1940-1943, 1962 Papers of Czech Jewish physician. Includes letters (photocopies); postal cards Lodz Ghetto ; certificates from “Juedische Koltuscgemeinde, Prague”.
(Originals of letters in Wiener Collection, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
1988-1046 Remak and Mosenthal family papers
View correspondence with US State Department.
1920-1979 Documents include photocopy of official document from Nationalsozialstische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Berlin, 12 November 1938 concerning takeover of Jewish business belong to H. Remak (German), letter from W. Remak, son of H. Remak, English (original), family pictures and letters relating to Mosenthal family, and letter to/from US State Department regarding attempts to obtain exit visa for mother
1988-1054 Edward L. Schreiber, papers
View finding aid.
1944 Includes typescript of newspaper article, and a short story based on his experiences in Nazi Germany, “The Story of Fred McMound Green, alia Fritz Grinberg.” Please note: Title is in English; story in German.
1988-1055 Oscar Erdos, questionnaire and letter 26 July 1945 Includes “Military Government of Germany: Concentration Camp Inmates Questionnaire.” Informational form, issued in Dachau. Also included is a letter from Mr. Erdos, describing his liberation.
1988-1057 Jakob Kalinski, document
View finding aid.
4 November 1946 UNRRA Labor office certificate. Issued at Feldafind Camp, Displaced persons (DP) labor camp
1988-1062 Marianne De Wilde, document 18 August 1941 Identity card, issued in Amsterdam, Holland
1988-1064 Friedrich Breder, document 16 May 1972 Summons from Austrian Government, requesting his attendance at war crimes trial of Franz Wunsch and Otto Graf, former Auschwitz guards, as witness for the government
1988-1144 Julius Landauer, papers 1935, 1941-1942 Includes three envelopes addressed to Julius Landauer at Concentration Camp Balboa, Canal Zone (Panama) from his wife, Mary Landauer in Panama, and a membership card Reichsbund Judischer Frontsoldaten
1988-1147 Otto Kraus, papers 1944-1945, Transcripts of letters, including one intended for his parents in Terezin which was smuggled out of Auschwitz. In the letter he dramatically pleads for them to spare themselves the fate that has befallen him. Also a letter to Mr. Kraus from Honzu [friend?]
1988-1148 Annalize Buchsthal, document 1936-1939 German passport (Reise-Pass) with US immigration visa. Transit via Naples, Italy, 4 March 1939
1988-1159 Nazi/German military regalia The Tauber Holocaust Library and Archives has a large collection of Nazi artifacts and regalia, including flags, banners, buckles, buttons, medals, uniforms, helmets, cutlery, stationery set. Consult archivist for more information.
1988-1163 Borders of the Warsaw Ghetto, Joseph Ziemian 1971 Yad Vashem publication which shows streets and areas of Warsaw Ghetto
1988-1164 Kaiser Family, papers Jewish ID card issued by Nazi Occupation Force in Holland, yellow star badge
1988-1165 Leaflets, Allied Headquarters and Nazi propaganda material Leaflets from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, in several languages, addressed to workers. Nazi pamphlet of propaganda material and fake American dollar with anti-Jewish propaganda
1988-1167 In Hitler’s Prisons 1937-1939 Anonymous memoir of former judge, describing his experience of Nazi imprisonment. English translation available.
1988-1170 Der Stroop-Bericht
[The Destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto 1931-Official Daily Reports]
1960 Daily report by General Stroop of the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto. Describes resistance efforts. This particular facsimile copy’s cover indicates it came from Nuremburg tribunals
1988-1177 German Tax Guide, Bonn 1938 Documents Nazi tax policies. English translation of Table of Contents available.
1988-1180 Kampf Um’s Dritte Reich, Eine Historische Bilderfolge 1933 Picture album tracing early history of the Nazi party.
1988-1188 “A Press Policy of Non-Aggression” January 1938 Part of an address by Dr. Otto Dietrich, Reich Press Chief to Diplomatic corps and foreign correspondents, Berlin, Jan 1938. English langauge version.
1988-1201 Certificate of appointment for Dr. Walther Heess 11 December 1942 Certificate appointing Dr. Walther Heess to Civil Service and Police Director. Signed by Hitler and Himmler, includes official seal.
1988-1203 A Last Appeal to Reason:Speech before the Reichstag, 19th July 1940 n.d. Translation of Hitler’s speech before the Reichstag on 19 July 1940, newsprint. No indication of publisher or source.
1988-1210 Typescript of various articles from Swiss newspapers about Nazism 1935
1988-1212 Sichere die Ewigkeit Deines Volkes [Secure the perpetuity of your people] n.d. Poster urging pride in being German
1988-1213 Clippings, regarding cartoonist David Low 1939-1945 David Low was a political cartoonist featured in the New York Times. These clippings include articles about him and several examples of his cartoons.
1988-1220 Microfilm copies, New York Times 1942-1943 Articles relating to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and other Holocaust-related events:
2 July 1942, 22 July 1943, 22 May 1943, 25 May 1943, 4 June 1943, 9 June 1943
1988-1225 De Westerborker 24 April 1945-1 June 1945 The newsletter of post-liberation Westerbork Camp in the Netherlands. Westerbork was liberated 12 April 1945
1988-1231 Reichsgesetzblatt, Teil I 5 September 1941 Reichs Law Gazette; includes police order on treatment of Jews
1988-1244 Ray Chimerane, papers 1969 Correspondence between Professor Dr. Richard Feder and Ray Chimerane on the history of the community of Havlickuv Brod and the fate of the members of its Jewish community. Prof. Feder was the chief rabbi of Brno, Czechoslovakia
1988-1246 “Latvian-Jewish Relations: The Tragic Plight of Latvians and Jews under Nazi Occupation of Latvia,” Charles Collins n.d. Report on fate of the Jews of Latvia
1988-1260 Scrapbook, regarding meeting of survivors from Athens, Mrs. Berry Nahmias 1981 Transcript in Greek of speech on October 10, 1981, Athens, Greece at meeting of survivors from Athens. Includes copies of clippings
1988-1269 Hajnal Schwartz, certificate
View finding aid.
9 August 1945 Certification of liberation from Auschwitz, issued at Bergen-Belsen
1988-1272 Mirjam Levin Family, papers 1936-1945 Includes passport, and photocopies of documents related to KZ Westerbork and KZ Bergen-Belsen.
1988-1275 Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung [advance/preliminary turnover tax return] 1939 German tax form
1988-1277 Refrieda Jacobowitz, certificate 1944-1945? Vaccination card from Theresienstadt
1988-1278 Report, Dr. Zeev Gothold 1946 Report on orphaned Holocaust survivors in European refugee camps. This report is entirely in Hebrew.
1988-1286 Jenny Kamnitzer papers
View finding aid.
1938-1941 Includes German passport, Kenn-Karte and emigration papers, as well as numerous documents relating to Mrs. Kamnitzer’s stay in Shanghai. Also includes immigration papers to the US.
1988-1290 “Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) in Germany and in the United States of America, 1945 to 1960,” Josef Butterman 1960 Report dedicated to the Fifteenth Anniversary of the liberation of KZ Bergen-Belsen. Includes snapshots.
1988-1294 Eduard Seelig, papers
View finding aid.
1938, 1946, 1983, 1984 Papers of German-Jewish family in Halle, Germany. Includes biographical information and correspondence. Nine letters were written by Mr. Seelig during his imprisonment from 15 Jul 1938-13 Mar 1939 for the crime of “Helping to Conceal Jewish Business Enterprises”
1988-1300 Dr. Hans Esberg, papers
View letter.
View finding aid.
1943, Oct-Nov 1945 Includes correspondence to Dr. Esberg from Max Cohn about survivor refugee camps and concentration camp experiences. In addition, of particular interest is a letter written to Dr. Esberg 5 May 1945 by the wife of a GI. The soldier was given a letter from a friend of hers. It is dated 8 Mar 1943 and describes the death of his father and imprisonment of Max Cohn, who was in Theresienstadt.
1988-1306 Editorial reprint from New York Post of 3 July 1934 1934? Leaflet printed by non-sectarian Anti-Nazi League of New York. The editorial urges a boycott of Nazi Germany.
1988-1308 Karl Bach, papers
View finding aid.
1938-1949 Correspondence relating to a family’s attempt to assist in their German relatives’ immigration attempts. English translations of German-language material are available. Includes correspondence from Helen Elmann, wife of Mischa Elmann..
1988-1314 “Who are the Refugees?”, from United Nations Weekly Bulletin 3 August 1946
1988-1322 “Als Ob” (As Though), poem n.d. Poem by unknown Terezin prisoner, with English translation by Max Knight
1988-1332 “Eternal Night” broadcasts and scripts 1956, 1957, 1959, 1977 Includes 5 separate broadcast scripts from 1956-1959, and “Catalogue: “The Eternal Light Radio Scripts.” The Eternal Light was a radio program presented by National Broad Company, Inc. as a public service under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
1988-1335 British pamphlets on Nazi antisemitism 1938, 1940, 1943 Reprints from the London Spectator and Evening Standard. Also includes photocopy of clipping from Times of India
1988-1341 Back Family, papers 1926-1941 Family documents and certificates. Includes legitimization/adoption certificate in Greek and German for one family member. English translation of some documents available.
1988-1350 Material on Nazi book burning 1941-1944 Includes correspondence, script of radio broadcast by Stephen Vincent Benet: “They Burned the Books” (May 1942) and other materials relating to Nazi book burning. Also includes: “List of Authors Whose Books Were Burned by the Nazis on May 10, 1933 or Subsequently Banned in the Third Reich”, compiler unknown.
1988-1374 “Anhalt dur Durchfuhrung der Operation Harpune” [Support for the Execution of Operation Harpoon] n.d. Facsimile of map outlining Hitler’s plan for an invasion of Great Britain in April 1941. Operation Harpune was a deception operation, meant to distract from Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi plan to invade the Soviet Union.
1988-1376 “Deportation der Juden aus Italien” [Deportation of Jews from Italy] n.d. Charts showing deportation of Jews from Italy to German concentration camps, 1943-1945. Photocopy from Archivo Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporaneo, Milano, Italy
1988-2035 Hans Arons, papers 1939-1945 Includes 16 photographs of Shanghai Ghetto, and, identification and emigration certificates from Shanghai.
1989-1002 Becker family papers
View postcard.
View finding aid.
1940-1941 Family correspondence, including letters and postcards sent from the Warsaw and Lodz Ghettos from Abraham Becker, Tadek and Lolek Becker and other family members. English translation of two letters available. Postcards bear stamp of General Gouvernement. Also includes food parcel receipts for packages sent to Poland.
1990-1002 Max Rosenstein, papers 1943-1945 Includes postcards, transport papers, certificates relating to Auschwitz, Terezin, Westerbork, Bergen-Belsen, for Max and Sophie Rosenstein.
1990-1004 Rabbi George and Emmie Vida papers 1939 Personal papers and documents. Includes correspondence, news clippings, memoirs, family memorabilia and oral history tapes. The Vidas were refugees from Czechoslovakia. Collection comprises several files and is unprocessed, except for index to certain documents.
1990-1006 Jacob Zilverberg, documents 1943 Amsterdam post office receipt for package sent to KZ Voght (Holland). Pre-printed postcard receipt with handwritten comments.
1990-1009 George K. Oppenheim papers 1939-1941, 1990 Family correspondence. George K. Oppenheim was a German refugee in France. This collection is RESTRICTED and cannot be be used for publication without permission of donor.
1990-1011 Aaron Blumenfeld musical scores and tapes 1990 Includes: Holocaust Memorial Cantata; Holocaust Memorial Symphonic Poem; Holocaust Commemorative Song. Three complete scores and one cassette tape. Collection includes cover letter and biographical materials. In 2 folders
1990-1013 “Nazi Genocide in Poland 1939-1945: A Documentation” 1939-1945, 1991 Photographs of documents on Nazi genocide in Poland from Main Commission in Poland for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland, with inventory of documents in English, Polish, German.
1990-1015 Program for Mass Meeting against Nazi Extermination of Jews and Other Minorities, Civic Auditorium, San Francisco
View cover of program
17 June 1943 Event included speech by Thomas Mann and performances by Isaac Stern and Eddie Cantor.
1990-1022 Fritz and Wilhemina Lokesch, letter
View letter.
View finding aid.
13 January 1939 Letter from Fritz and Wilhemina Sass Lokesch to E.M. Sass of San Francisco. The Lokesches were Viennese Jews living in Prague. The letter was written to a stranger whose last name was similar to Wilhemina Lokesch’s maiden name. This letter documents the desperation of those hoping to leave Europe in face of Nazi invasions.
1990-1027 Warsaw and Lodz Ghetto artifacts 1940, n.d. Includes 5 coins, 1 miniature Hebrew prayerbook from Warsaw; 3 currency notes from Lodz (Litzmannstadt)
1991-1003 Phillipsohn-Orwitz Family, papers 1940, 1957 Includes declaration, affidavits of support, correspondence and photocopies of documents.
1991-1016 Hans Frankenthal (John Franklin), papers 1941-1945 Personal documents, certificates, clippings from KZ Westerbork & Bergen & Holland: Yellow star badge. Includes DP card. Also “Warning” leaflet to German officers and Gestapo, in the name of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. Backpack, cup, utensils in separate box.
1991-1021 JW Eisenberg, papers October 1945-February 1946 Memorandums to Officer in Charge from JW Eisenberg, Counter Intelligence Corp. US government reports regarding interviews with Holocaust survivors in UNRAA camps 1945-1946 (German).
1992-1004 Red Cross bag 1938 Given to German Jewish refugees deported to Poland to use for holding valuables under garments
1992-1005 Feibusch family papers
View finding aid.
1945-1946 Post war correspondence regarding the fate of Irne Baecker and her family members who were deported to KZ Malines and eastward. Also 2 photographs.
1993-1006 Rich Task, papers n.d. “Plan of the Concentration Camp Birkenau,” excerpts from literature on camp (from Auschwitz Museum), 9 pp.; Lodz ghetto “eine mark” paper currency
1994-1002 “Nederland Inden Oorlog: Zooals Het Werkelijk Was” [The Netherlands in the war: As it really was] 1946 Report, including articles and facsimilies of wartime documents
1994-1003 Lazarus Family, papers 1941-1994 Includes certificates, affidavit of support, correspondence, identification card, as well as more recent newspaper article on family history.
1994-1004 KZ Theresiendstadt currency 7 bank notes
1995-1001 Allied Safe Conduct Surrender leaflet 1945 Used to encourage German soldiers to surrender.
1995-1004 Artifacts from post-WWI Germany and Nazi era postcards 1919-1940s Germany currency and material from post-WWI inflationary period, and postcards from Nazi era
1995-1005 Die Fackel, ed. Karl Kraus, September 1930 and August 1931 2 issues. Die Fackel was a digest of political and literary criticism. Folder includes information about Karl Kraus, its editor.
1995-1006 “Explaicaciones concernando las declarationes de fortunas” 1 March 1943 Document addressed to the Jewish community of Thessaloniki, Greece regarding Declaration of Wealth as requested by German authorities
1996-1001 Erich and Else Goldstein, papers 1938, 1939 “Arbeitsbuch” and “Reisepass” (workbooks and passports), including entries in Japanese in passports. Document the required use of “Israel” and “Sarah” as middle names for Jews.
1997-1001 Hildegard Jordan Lewis, certificate 24 June 1933 German Youth Certificate, featuring pictures of Hitler and Hindenberg
1997-1002 Nazi artifacts Includes: spoon with swastika on handle, large napkin with swastika in center; small napkin from Hitler’s headquarters in Berchtesgaden
2000-1001 Postage stamps, Deutsches Reich 100 Nazi-era postage stamps
2000-1002 Kurt Fischel, papers 1937-1939, 1958 Includes passport, health insurance card, certificate of compensation (1958). Also includes birth certificate, revised to conform to registration requirements that Jewish men take the additional given name of “Israel”.
2000-1003 Concentration Camp and Ghetto artifacts 1940, n.d. Marks from Lodz ghetto. Also includes 4 metal coins and 1 button. [Perhaps from Terezin-Theresienstadt (Czechoslovakia)]
2001-1003 Prayer book – Abridged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States 1943 English-Hebrew prayer book for evening service for the Sabbath, and morning service for week-days.
2001-1004 Nazi badge/arm band Black and white
2002-1001 Nazi stamp and postcard collection/postcards Album contains numerous postcards and loose stamps, including several commemorating 1936 Olympics. Album and its contents are fragile.
2002-1003 Fischer Family, papers 1902-1945 Includes personal documentation, including financial papers and those relating to the sale of a business and emigration from Germany, school records, identification papers, pre-war certificates, naturalization certificate. The Fischer family was Austrian.
2002-1004 Efim Eydus, papers 1915, 1941-1946, 1980 Efrim Eydus was a Russian Jewish solider, serving with the Soviet Army. Collection includes birth certificate, and certificates and identification books regarding military service in the Soviet Army during World War II.
2004-1001 Ernest and Linda Turner, papers 1899-1901, 1932-1943 The Turners were a Hungarian family, forced out by Hungarian anti-Jewish laws, who emigrated to the United States in 1940. Includes family genealogy, certificates and other official documents, correspondence, postcards, passports.
2004-1002 Collection of unrelated Holocaust documents 1939-1940, n.d. Includes Jewish registration card, passport, armband with Star of David, photograph, postcard. English translation of registration card available.
2004-1003 Nazi insignia pin
2004-1005 R.H. Holdeman, papers 1979-1982 Collection on Holocaust Denial and antisemitism. Includes books, journals, newsletters
2004-1006 Reuben Ainsztein, papers 1961-1986 Reprints of articles by Reuben Ainsztein and others on Holocaust; includes clippings and obituaries on Ainsztein
2004-1007 Rudolph Simon, papers 1979-1983 Correspondence and notes with universities and publishers, regarding publication of papers and symposium; emphasis on German exile literature as subject matter.
2004-1008 Friedrich Kolb, papers 1910, 1939-1952 Mr. Kolb emigrated from Germany in 1939. Includes certificates, passport, correspondence, postcards, photographs, financial records, clippings and memoir.
2004-1009 Max Knight Collection 1939-1973 Includes correspondence, manuscript “The Story of My Life,” documents, publications, leaflets.
2004-1010 Edith Schoenberger-Kaufman Personal papers
2004-1011 Hilda Prager Silberberg, papers. 1939-1947 Hilda Prager Silberberg emigrated from Nurnberg, Germany to California in 1939. This collection is comprised of voluminous correspondence, particularly from Pauline Prager, Hilda Prager Silberberg’s mother, as well as considerable correspondence from friends and other family members.
2004-1012 Heilbuth Family, papers 1902-1944 Includes several sketches and drawings by Ernst Heilbuth, most in the 1910s and 1920s, family photographs and genealogies, birth and other certificates. Also includes 3 photograph albums. Most material is pre-war. Of interest is passenger list and menu from United States Line, from Hamburg to New York, 25-28 July 1939.
2005-0001 A. Leo Oppenheim, papers 1938-1945 Includes family correspondence. Also includes records that document his attempt to extricate his parents from Terezin.
2005-0002 Nazi collar tab SS collar tab
2005-0004 Gustavus A. Pfeiffer, letter 1938 Letter recounting visit to Germany in Feb 1938 and conditions there
2005-0005 Edelbaum Family 1926, 1942-1947, n.d. Includes family and official correspondence, copy of photos, school records
2005-0006 Kurt Gunter Michaelis papers 1940s, 2000? Includes scrapbook of drawings, artifacts, interview with Dr. Eischeid. Also includes Jude stars, felt woven and mica processed at Terezin, scrapbook of drawings done by father in Terezin. Paper was traded for daily bread ration, depicting scenes of daily life before the war.
2005-0007 Lasus Family, papers
View finding aid.
1939-1950s Austrian family emigrating through Shanghai. Includes numerous Shanghai-related documents (including English-language newspaper The China Press), emigration papers, artifacts and photos. Also includes memoir, entitled Episode Shanghai
2005-0008 Erich and Erna Kraus, papers 1938-1939 Includes affidavits of support, genealogical document
2005-0009 Muriel Schonbek Paule, papers 1938, 1940 Includes passport and Lodz currency
2005-0010 Liebmann and Niklas Family Papers
View letter from young Latvian in a DP camp.
1894-1937 Passports, correspondence, documents from 2 seemingly separate families — Liebman and Niklas. Includes papers from Elsa Theinert Niklas’ birth family. Includes conversion certificate to Judaism for Elsa Theinert in 1922. Shanghai. Also includes letter from DP camp to Kurt Liebmann.
2005-0011 Seraphim Report cover letter 2 Dec 1941 Item is cover letter to a report by Prof. Seraphim on how to best handle labor needs in Ukraine, referring to “superfluous eaters.” Part of evidence submitted in Nuremberg trials. English translation available.
2005-0012 Alice Goldstein Resseguie Papers
View postcard sent to Hans Fritzsche.
1941-1945 Collection of materials collected by Alice Resseguie when she worked for Army Intelligence after the war ended. Includes correspondence among major figures in Propaganda Ministry, including Hans Fritzsche. Includes English translation of some materials.
2005-0013 Dr. Bernard Kaufman, Jr. papers 1940s Dr. Kaufman served with US Army during World War II. Collection includes numerous Nazi artifacts, including medic’s kit. Also includes numerous newspapers, including Nazi publications and Russian newspapers. Also includes Dr. Kaufman’s family memoir.
2005-0014 Auschwitz hospital documents 1945 Reports and documents from hospital at Auschwitz after its liberation.
2006-0001 Herman Kniss, photographs 1945 Photographs of post-war Germany, including 10 concentration camp photos. Herman Kniss was a first- generation American of German descent, who participated in the liberation of a German concentration camp, name unknown.
2006-0004 “Das Entnazifizierungsgesetz” (Denazification Law) Oct 1946 Denazification edict, newsprint, issued by Allies, Decree #38. Summary of document and partial translation available.
2006-0005 Lodz Ghetto currency 1940s Eine mark, 50 pfennig bills
2006-0006 Staatsbibliothek Krakau: Feierliche Eroffnung April 1941 Program for ceremonial opening of the State Library in Krakow by Dr. Frank, Reich Minister of the Generalgouvernement
2006-0007 International Committee of the Red Cross: International Tracing Service, reports
View finding aid.
1947-1983 Operations Reports for the International Red Cross’s Tracing Service from 1947-1976, Annual Reports for 1982-1983, informational reports, 1986
2006-0008 Trufant Foster, papers 1945, n.d. Includes manuscript, “Crimes of Dachau”, photographs of camp liberation near Hailfingen, Germany, and 2 copies of posters by M/Sgt Jack Bessee
2006-0009 Henry Kahn, papers n.d. Copy of a manuscript, “This is Dachau,” which includes photographs and descriptions of Dachau concentration camp
2006-0010 Paul Jacobs, papers 1961 Press pass for Eichmann trial
2006-0011 Ehren-Chronik [194-?] Scrapbook to honor soldiers fighting for “Fuehrer und Vaterland”. Includes pages (blank) for photographs.
2006-0012 “Jewish Survivors of Theresienstadt” n.d. List of names of survivors of Theresienstadt, last names beginning with P-Z only. Possibly fragment from larger work.
2006-0013 Schupo-Kriegsverbrecher in Kolomea vor dem Wiener Volksgericht 1957 Collection of documents prepared for publication by former citizens of Kolomea, living in Israel. Documents concern the trials of police war criminals in Vienna.
2006-0014 Gertrude Schnellenberg, papers 1940s Scrapbook of photographs and memorabilia from Mrs. Schnellenberg’s years in Shanghai during World War II. Also includes pre- and post-war photographs.
2006-0015 United States High Commissioner, Reports 1948-1949 Reports describe conditions in Austria after the war and activities of US governing and occupying forces in Austria.
2006-0016 Jerrol Harris, papers 1940, 1945 Wehrpass (service record) for E. Graf, Dachau commemoration book, 1 issue of Lighting, newspaper of the 78th Infantry Division.
2006-0017 John Scott, papers 1945 14 black & white photographs, and 12 negatives, of liberation of Buchenwald
2006-0018 International Refugee Organization Draft Provisional Order No. 42.1 [1948?] Draft order whose subject is the procedure for determining which persons are within the mandate of the organization (eligibility determination). Includes chronology of events of World War II, by country.
2006-0019 C.L.N.A.I.: Atti del Comando Generale – Corpo Volontari Della Liberta n.d.
2006-0020 Memorial in Amsterdam, photographs n.d. Memorial listing names of Dutch Jews, including Anne Frank, who perished during the Holocaust.
2006-0021 David Stern, papers n.d. Comprised of xerox copies of books and publication that describe the history of several Jewish communities in Germany.
2006-0022 Stuthof Concentration Camp photographs, Mark Markov-Grinberg 1945 Signed enlargements of photographs taken at the liberation of Stuthof by Soviet Jewish photographer Mark Markov-Grinberg.
2007-0001 Max and Mae Mandl, papers 1914-1964 Personal papers, including correspondence, photographs and documents.
2007-0002 Marx Family, papers 1922-1957 Includes documents and photographs relating to experiences of the Marx Family, including Kurt Marx’s service in the Palestine Brigade.
2007-0003 M. Oppenheimer Periodical Collection 1944-1945 Collection is comprised of twelve issues of various French periodicals describing the liberation of France from Nazi occupation.
2007-0004 Eichmann Clippings Collection 1961-1963 Collection is comprised of clippings and articles from various newspapers and magazines on the subject of the Adolf Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Israel.
2007-0005 “Erfahrungen aus der Beobachtung und Abwehr rechtsradikaler und antisemitischer Tendenzen im Jahre 1962” 1963 Report of the German Bundesminister des Innern.
2007-0006 The Gestapo: Hitler’s Secret Police – The Nazi Scourge in Germany, The Conquered Countries, The United States 1941 Publication by the Friends of Democracy
2007-0007 Eva Seligman-Kennard/Efim Babouchkin papers n.d. Unpublished manuscript describing the history of the Jewish communities of the following Ukrainian towns: Berdichev, Nemirov, Bratslav, Vinnitsa and Medzibozh.
2007-0008 “Report of the Institute of Jewish Affairs for the Period February 1, 1941-April 30, 1947,” American and Jewish World Congress n.d. Report describes the history of the Institute, and its planning and research activities. Appendices include lists of staff, archives and library collection areas, publications and research files.
2007-0009 Michael Hesse, photographic collection 1945 Black and white photographs of liberation of concentration camp, probably Bergen Belsen.
2007-0010 Elizabeth Zierer, papers 1948, 1993, n.d. Papers and photographs of non-Jewish Auschwitz survivor. Papers include memoirs and short fiction. Also included are 25 black and white photographs taken in a Displaced Persons camp in 1948.
2007-0011 Nat Schmulowitz, papers 1939-1945, 1961-1962 Collection of articles, clippings, correspondence, radio broadcasts, notes and writings on the subjects of antisemitism, the Holocaust and the Adolf Eichmann trial. Nat Schmulowitz (1899-1966) lived in San Francisco and was a nationally known attorney, civic leader and bibliophile.
2007-0012 Nazi documents, facsimiles and photocopies 1943-1945 This artificial collection includes a facsimile of the introduction of the Stroop Report, photocopy of the Wannsee Protocols from Police D’Israel during the Eichmann trial, facsimile of “Marriage Certificate of Adolf Hitler” with English translation, facsimiles of Adolf Hitler’s “My Political Testament” and “My Private Will” with English translations.
2007-0013 “Nazi Ticket for All Who Criticize American Liberty” 1939 “Ticket” contrasts Nazi policies on property, taxation, labor, children, women, religion, entertainment, outdoor sports and family with the policies of the United States on these subjects.
2007-0014 Aufstellung ueber den Buecherbestand in der Bibliothek der F.I.R. June 1970 Catalog of book holdings in the library of F.I.R. (Fédération Internationale des Résistants), created in 1951 in Vienna, now located in Berlin.
2007-0015 Edith Milcher Curtis papers 1938-1964 Collection comprises letters, documents and photo sent to Mrs. Curtis and her family from friends and acquaintances. The letters document the situation of Jews in occupied Austria seeking to emigrate after the Anschluss. Collection also includes letters written by those Austrian Jews who had already emigrated to other countries, including several from a friend living in Quito, Ecuador.
2008-0001 Ralph Romberg papers 1938, 1972 Collection comprised of family documents of German Jewish family — letter revoking health insurance, and certificates of good conduct for his parents.
2008-0002 Notgeld 1927 Currency issued by town of Tostedt during inflationary period between the wars, illustration of two Jewish men hanging from a tree surrounded by ravens. Example of antisemitic feeling in Germany after World War I.
2008-0003 Werner Loeb papers 1943, 1945 Papers relating to imprisonment in Terezin during the war and after liberation. Includes father’s death certificate.
2008-004 Heinz Frankenstein papers 1939 June 1 Correspondence issued by the U.S. Consulate in Stuttgart, Germany regarding the status of immigration visas.
2008-005 Roelof Van Zyl collection 1941-1965 Collection includes books and 35 issues of the past WWII journal Onderdrukking en Verzet, as well as a copy of Mr. Van Zyl’s memoir, ration cards from post-WWII Netherlands, and 8 mm Nazi German newsreels of France and of battle ships in the English Channel.
2008-006 Elfriede Feuer Sobiloff papers 1933, 1939 Comprising a passport and school records
2008-007 Betty de Vries papers 1918, 1951, undated Baby book for Ms. de Vries, photograph album post-war Amsterdam and Israel, lithographs post-war of life in Netherlands between 1940-1945.
2008-008 Harvey Gotliffe papers Personal papers of Dr. Harvey Gotliffe regarding his work with Holocaust denial at San Jose State University.
2008-009 Hella and Arnold Levi papers 1930-1942 Correspondence and documents of Hella Lion Levi and her husband Arnold Levi, refugees from Frankfurt, Germany, documenting their flight from Germany and residency in Shanghai, China, during World War II.
2009-001 Max Hoffman collection 1933-1945 Nazi regalia – medals, flags, armbands, gun holster, helmet – gathered by Mr. Hoffman, an American soldier, after World War II.
2009-002 “Wir Mahnen Zum Frieden” 1950 A remembrance calendar commemorating the sacrifices of anti-Nazi resistance fighters, published in East Germany in 1950 by the organization Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Nazi regimes.
2009-004 Hammer-Flugblaetter collection of issues After 1902
2009-005 “Pour Toi…Poemes” by Renee Schwab 1928 Book of poetry of 94 pages written by a French Jewish woman who perished during the Holocaust.
2009-006 Addressbuch fur die Landeshaupftstadt Karlsruhe 1937 1937 address book for Karlsruhe, Germany
2009-007 Gene Lang photograph collection 1945 10 photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp
2009-008 Monica Werner family photographs 1937-1946, 1994 The collection is comprised of photographs of various members of an extended German Jewish family from Berlin who perished in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Also included are xerox copies of documentation of the fate of these family members, and explanatory material written by the donor of the collection
2009-009 Personal items confiscated from Holocaust victims 1930s-1940s Contains one ring, two watches, one pendant. Items were found in the warehouse; they had been confiscated from Holocaust victims.
2009-010 Rosa Schonberger collection 1933-1945 Includes Nazi regalia, including medals, belt buckle, insiginias and armbands
2009-011 Leo Diaz collection 1943-1945 Includes scrapbook, flag, medals, insignias. Leo Diaz was an American soldier fighting in Europe in World War II.
2009-021 Ghetto and Concentration Camp Currency Collection 1942-1945
2009-027 Hershel Z. Herzberg collection 1940s Several Holocaust-era publications, including TDer Untermensch
2009-028 Ketty Goldschmidt postcard 1944 April 8 A postcard sent by Ketty Goldschmidt on April 8, 1944, from Terezin concentration camp, to Mr. and Mrs. Golenzer of Hamburg. The postcard is a pre-printed form postcard acknowledging receipt of goods.
2009-029 Bernard Levine papers 1945, 2009 World War II-era artifacts, newspapers and essay of remembrance.
2009-030 Photograph of Kraljevica concentration camp, Croatia undated
2009-031 Emi Leviev Hester yellow Star of David button 1943-1944 A yellow Star of David button, issued to Jews in Bulgaria during the period of 1942-1944, and meant to be worn as identification as a Jew.
2009-032 Nazi flag charm 1938
2009-033 Helga Newman papers 1898-1954 Comprising correspondence, documents and copies of photographs. Helga Newman was a German Jewish child who was sent on a Kindertransport to England.
2010-001 Elie A. Cohen collection 1948-1993 The Elie A. Cohen papers are comprised of research materials, the bulk of which was accumulated between the 1950s-1980s, clippings on Cohen dating from the 1950s-1970s, notes and articles on survivor syndrome and unpublished manuscripts by various authors. In addition there are a substantial number of journals and articles addressing the psychological impact of the concentration camp.
2010-002 Louis G. Kaplan collection Between 1960-1990 Collection comprises four testimonies from a collection of 122 survivors, interviewed in the town of Afula, Israel, conducted by the students of Ben Gurion High School under the direction of their teachers and staff. Mr. Louis G. Kaplan translated these testimonies from Hebrew.
2010-003 Simon Walter papers 1939-1944 Comprises letters, documents, photographs, negatives and artifacts of Simon Walter, perhaps a Polish Jew, who lived in Palestine and Nairobi during the war years.
2010-005 Almanacs, Yearbooks, and Address Books collection 1933-1995
2010-008 Kathe Weiner papers 1941-1946 Comprising correspondence and documents of a German Jewish woman living in Shanghai
2010-007 Nathan Safar photograph 1944 Comprising one photograph of Hungarians in a forced labor camp
2010-010 Ervan Jacobs collection 1944-1945 Comprising photographs, artifact, and documents collected by an American Jewish soldier
2010-011 John Steiner collection 1977-1997 Papers and audiotapes documenting John Steiner’s work with Holocaust perpetrators.
2010-012 United States Army propaganda poster 1945 Comprising one poster, printed by either the United States Army or the British Army with a title “Don’t Fraternize” and a photograph of stacked bodies with a caption “Mauthausen.”
2011-001 Cloth fragment from concentration camp uniform 1942-1945 Fragment from blue and white striped concentration camp uniform with upside down red triangle and prisoner number
2011-002 William Bachner papers 1982-1994 Collection documents the work of William Bachner, a Polish Jew who hid his identity and rescued others during the Holocaust, and comprises a transcript of an oral history interview, correspondence between Mr. Bachner and his biographer Samuel P. Oliner, articles and clippings, and other correspondence.
2011-003 Lore Shelley papers 1981-2004 Comprises photographs, documents and corespondence relating to the life and work of Holocaust survivor Lore Shelley, who authored five books based on interviews with Holocaust survivors.
2011-004 Tikvah Acharey Hashoah newsletter 1998-2000 Comprising five newsletters of Tikvah Acharey Hashoah, a San Francisco Bay area Holocaust survivors group
2011-005 Joachim Schapira passport 1939 Passport of Mr. Joachim Schapira, who fled Munich, Germany for the United States
2011-006 T. Werner Schwarz papers 1937-1991 Comprising T. Werner Schwarz’s correspondence with Wilfred Isarel who assisted in the rescue of Jews in Germany and other related material.
2012-001 Walt Fraser papers 1939-1948 Comprising personal papers that document Mr. Fraser’s experiences as a German-Jewish refugee, living in Shanghai, China from 1939-1948.
2012-002 Ernest and Edna Falk papers 1938-1940 Comprising photographs and documents related to the experiences of a German-Jewish couple who fled Frankfurt and sheltered in San Francisco with their sponsors, the Edelstein family.
2012-003 Clarence Benjamin and Lawrence Weseman collection 1945, 2008 Comprises a album of photographs taken by Clarence Benjamin during the liberation of a freight train in Farsleben, Germany, outside of Magdeburg in April 1945. The album was created by an acquaintance of Mr. Benjamin’s, Lawrence Weseman.
2012-004 Eva Norman papers 1945-2004 Comprises materials and medical records relating to compensation claims for Holocaust survivor Elisabeth (Alzbeta/Ercsi) Loew (nee Gluksman) and her daughter Eva Norman (nee Lustig). Elisabeth lived in a part of Hungary (Kosice) that by the time of Eva’s birth had become interwar Czechoslovakia.
Includes records and correspondence from interwar Czechoslovakia up through Eva and Elisabeth’s immigration to the United States after the Holocaust.
2013-001 Weiss family papers 1977-2012 The collection comprises papers of the Weiss family of San Francisco, California. The collection documents the history of the Weiss family’s involvement in an incident surrounding the opening of a Neo-Nazi bookstore in San Francisco in April 1977 and their continuing involvement in Holocaust commemoration and education in the San Francisco Bay Area after the establishment of the Holocaust Library and Research Center in 1979.
2013-002 George Avigliano photographs 1945 The collection comprises nine (9) black and white photographs taken by Mr. George Avigliano, a soldier with the United States Army, after the liberation of an unidentified concentration camp in Germany in 1945.
2013-003 Werner Gottlieb papers 1999-2012 This collection comprises papers related to Mr. Werner Gottlieb’s work with post- Holocaust reconciliation work in his hometown of Frankenwinheim, Germany.
2013-004 Hermann Feller boots 1938 The collection comprises a pair of boots issued to Hermann Feller, a German Jew, at Buchenwald concentration camp on November 10, 1938, after his arrest in Chemnitz, Germany during Kristallnacht on November 9, 1938.
2013-006 Unidentified World War II veteran photographs and Nazi artifacts 1944, 1945 The collection comprises a Nazi armband, a German Red Cross armband, and seven black and white photographs taken by an unidentified American soldier shortly after the end of World War II.
Muschi Collection 1990-2001 Dachau concentration camp following its liberation 1945
Boas Westerbork Collection 1993-2001 Transit camp Westerbork, Holland during German occupation of Holland and other subjects 1942-1945
Dr. A. Feher Collection 1988-2135 Hungarian Jews in forced labor camps, Auschwitz, Holocaust Memorial photos [1941-1942, ?]
Jan Hartmann Collection 1988-2001 Nazi leaders, Reichstag Fire trial, Prominent German personages of period, Various Nazi rallies and meetings. German personages and local Nazi leaders 1929-1934
Deportations 1988-2027 Deporation to Auschwitz in a van from Steinheim, Germany on 28 July 1942 1942
1988-2136 Deporation of Jews from Hanau, Germany on May 30, 1942 1942
1990-2002 Deportation of Jews from Wiesbaden, Germany, taken by German authorities 27-29 August 1942
Ghetto 1990-2000 Kovno Ghetto 1986
1992-2001 Chaim Rumkowski and Hans Biebow (Lodz ghetto) undated
Kristallnacht and Jews in Germany 1988-2022 Sacking and burning of Nurnberg synagogue, Kristallnacht. Also photos of Nazi officers. Nov 1938
1988-2046 Burned synagogue, Nuremberg, Germany, Kristallnacht Nov 1938
1988-2050 Destruction of synagogue in Abterode (Hessen), Germany during Kristallnacht Nov 1938
1988-2118 Herne, Germany: Kristallnacht, contemporary memorials, Nazi-era photos undated
1988-2129 Kristallnacht undated
Liberation of the Camps
KZ Auschwitz 1988-2017 KZ Auschwitz undated
1988-2110 KZ Auschwitz undated
KZ Bergen Belsen 1988-2018 Bergen Belsen concentration camp undated
1988-2023 Bergen Belsen concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2038 Cecilia Einhorn at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Germany Apr 1945
1988-2103 KZ Bergen-Belsen, taken at time of liberation Apr 1945
1988-2109 KZ Bergen-Belsen, taken at time of liberation by the British Army Apr 1945
1995-2002 British Army liberation of Concentration Camp Bergen-Belsen 15 April 1945
KZ Buchenwald 1988-2007 Corpses at Buchenwald concentration camp 1945
1988-2021 Human skin tattoo from Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2036 Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2073 Concentration Camp Buchenwald 1945
1988-2081 KZ Buchenwald at time of liberation May 1945
1990-2005 KZ Buchenwald, French dealing with a collaborator following liberation 1989
KZ Dachau 1988-2003 Dachau liberation 1945
1988-2006 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2011 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2012 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2030 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945, 1951
1988-2031 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2034 Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2071 KZ Dachau (3 days after liberation) May 1945
1988-2075 KZ Dachau undated
1988-2079 KZ Dachau May 1945
1988-2084 KZ Dachau undated
1988-2113 US Army hanging of Nazi war criminal — KZ Dachau 29 May 1945
1992-2002 KZ Dachau 1945?
1995-2005 KZ Dachau, after liberation 1945
KZ Ebensee 1988-2041 Ebensee concentration camp, Austria 1945
1988-2042 Ebensee concentration camp, Austria 1945
1988-2044 Ebensee concentration camp, Austria 1945
1988-2045 Ebensee concentration camp, Austria 1945
1988-2083 KZ Ebensee at time of liberation by US Army May 1945
1988-2104 KZ Ebensee 1945?
1988-2105 KZ Ebensee at time of liberation May 1945
1988-2106 KZ Ebensee at time of liberation May 1945
KZ Ferramonti 1988-2026 Ferramonti concentration camp, Italy
KZ Flossenburg 1988-2085 KZ Flossenburg undated
Gardelegen Atrocity 1988-2010 Gardelegen, Germany 1945
1988-2014 Gardelegen, Germany and environs 1945
1988-2039 Gardelegen, German 1945
1988-2048 Gardelegen , Germany Apr 1945
1988-2108 Gardelegen , Germany 1945?
1994-2002 Gardelegen , Germany April 1945
1998-2001 Occupation of Gardelegen and discovery of atrocity Apr 1945
KZ Gunskirchen 1988-2127 KZ Gunskirchen (Austria) at time of liberation by US Army May 1945
KZ Gusen 1988-2089 KZ Gusen, Austria 1945?
KZ Hamburg 1988-2090 KZ Hamburg undated
KZ Landsberg 1988-2065 Liberation of KZ Landsberg, Germany 1945
1988-2080 (see also 1990-2004) KZ Landsberg at time of liberation. May 1945
KZ Mauthausen 1988-2024 Mauthausen concentration camp, Austria 1944
1988-2032 Mauthausen concentration camp, Austria 1945
1988-2072 KZ Mauthausen 1945
1988-2092 KZ Mauthausen 1945?
1990-2004 (see also 1988-2080) KZ Mauthausen at time of liberation May 1945
KZ – Mixed 1988-2002 Concentration camps Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, US Army Signal Corps 1945
1988-2015 Nis, Banjica, Sajmiste concentration camps, Yugoslavia undated
1988-2051 Ralph Rosenberg collection. Liberation of various Nazi concentration camps, Germany 1945
1988-2052 Liberation of various Nazi concentration camps, Germany 1945
1988-2076 Various Yugoslavia concentration camps undated
1988-2078 Unknown concentration camps May 1945
1988-2082 Various concentration camps as they were liberated 1945
1988-2102 Various concentration camps. Names unknown
1988-2107 Various unknown concentration camps 1945?
1988-2123 Liberation of Nazi concentration camps by US Army 1945
1988-2139 Various concentration camps at liberation April 1945
1988-2140 US Army liberation of KZ Ebensee, Mauthausen, Gusen, Liz and other camps Apr-May 1945
KZ Natzweiler-Struthof 1988-2093 KZ Natzweiler undated
1988-2098 KZ Struthof undated
KZ Neuengamme 1988-2101 KZ Neuengamme 1945?
KZ Nordhausen 1988-2013 Nordhausen concentration camp, Germany 1945
1988-2094 KZ Nordhausen 1945
1993-2004 Liberation of KZ Nordhausen, Germany by 104th Division, US Army 1945
KZ Nurnberg 1988-2020 Nurnberg concentration camp, Germany
1988-2070 KZ Nurmberg 1945?
1988-2099 KZ Nurmberg 1945?
KZ Ohrdruf 1988-2009 Ohrdruf Concentration Camp 1945
1988-2040 Ohrdruf Concentration Camp, Germany 1945
KZ Oranienburg 1988-2100 KZ Oranienburg undated
KZ Sachsenhausen 1988-2095 KZ Sachsenhausen undated
KZ Schwabmunchen 1988-2096 KZ Schwabmunchen, Germany 1945?
KZ Sobibor 1988-2114 KZ Sobibor, Poland undated
KZ Solingen-Landwehr 1988-2091 KZ Solingen-Landwehr 1945?
1988-2097 KZ Solingen-Landwehr 1945
KZ Stutthof 2006-2001 KZ Stuthof 1945
KZ Tekla 1988-2025 Tekla concentration camp, Germany 1944
1988-2074 KZ Tekla (Leipzig) undated
KZ Terezin 1988-2053 Terezin ghetto, Czechoslovakia undated
1988-2086 KZ Terezin (Theresienstadt) undated
1995-2006 KZ Terezin – “Arrival of prisoners from KZ Buchenwald to KZ Terezin, 7 May 1945” 1945
KZ Unknown 2000-2002 Bodies at liberated Nazi concentration camp (camp unknown) 1945
KZ Vught 1988-2125 KZ Vught, Holland undated
KZ Waldheim 1988-2037 Waldheim concentration camp, Germany. Picture of Dutch woman prisoner in chains
KZ Westerbork 1988-2064 Dutch Jews working in fields at KZ Westerbork, Holland Aug 1943
KZ Wobbelin 1988-2087 KZ Wobbelin (Ludwigslust) Germany 1945?
Memorials 1988-2005 Plaque commemorating Jewish population losses in Europe in WW II undated
1988-2008 Gurs Concentration Camp Post-War memorial, France undated
1988-2019 Auschwitz concentration camp, Poland undated
1988-2033 Made from drawings of Westerbork concentration camp, Holland
1988-2043 Ebensee concentration camp Memorial, Austria undated
1988-2047 Holocaust memorials, Germany (sites not identified) undated
1988-2054 Jewish memorial/synagogue, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; monuments, Germany and France
1988-2088 KZ Mauthausen undated
1988-2128 Old Jewish cemetery in Prague undated
1988-2130 Jewish historical museum in Krakow, Poland
1988-2131 Bergen-Belsen Camp
1991-2001 Auschwitz museum. Photos by Ira Nowinski undated
1992-2004 Holocaust Memorial, Brussels, Belgium undated
1992-2005 KZ Struthof (Natzweiler-Strutthof) Memorial, Germany undated
1992-2006 Holocaust memorial in Satu Mare, Rumania May 1983
1992-2007 Children’s memorial, Lodz, Poland; KZ Treblinka memorial; KZ Maidanek memorial undated
1994-2003 KZ Mauthausen Memorial 1990?
1994-2004 KZ Auschwitz undated
1995-2007 Various Holocaust memorials and museums in Europe and the US undated
2006-0020 Memorial lists names of perished Dutch Jews, including Anne Frank and Fritz Kraemer, husband of donor. undated
Book No. Town Name Pub. Place Year
  Abel--see Rakishok    
  Acas--see Tasnad    
1 Aishishuk Israel 1950
  Akerman--see Bassarabia    
  Albania--see Greece    
  Alekandrow Lodski--see Alexander    
  Aleksandriya--see Alexsandrija    
  Aleksandrow Kuj--see Wloslawek    
2 Alexander Israel 1968
3 Alexsandrija Israel 1972
  Andrychow--see Wadowice    
  Antalept--see Rakishok    
  Antonovka--see Sarnaki    
  Anushishok--see Rakishok    
  Apt--see Opatow    
507 Arad Haifa 2000
4 Augustow Israel 1966
  Baden--see Wurttemberg    
  Bakalarzewo--see Suvalk    
  Balin--see Kamieniec Podolski    
508 ENG Baranovich USA 2012
5 Baranow Israel 1964
  Baranowice--see Baranowicz    
6 Baranowicz Israel 1953
7 Bardejov USA 1988
  Barniv--see Baranow    
  Barylow--see Radzichov    
9 Bayitch Israel 1963
  Bedzin--see Bendin    
21 Beijun Israel 1956
10 Belchatow Argentina 1951
  Belegrusa--see Stolin    
  Belen--see Des    
  Belitzah--see Bielica    
11 Bendin Israel 1959
  Berestechko--see Brestechka    
  Bereza--see Pruzana    
  Berezov--see Brzozow    
  Berlin--see Ostra    
12 Bershad Israel 1956
13 Besarabia Palestine 1941
14 Besarabia Israel 1971
15 Bessarabia--see Sokiryany, Besarabia, Bisarabia Israel 1954
18 Biala Podlaska Israel 1961
16 Biala-Rawska Israel 1972
17 Bialobrzegi Israel 1991
19 Bialystok USA 1982
20 Bialystok--photo album USA 1951
  Biecz--see Bayitch    
22 Bielica Israel 1968
22 ENG Bielica Israel 1968
23 Bielitz-Biala Israel 1973
24 Bielsk-Podliask Israel 1975
  Biezun--see Biejun    
  Bihava--see Bychawa    
492 Bilker [ ] 1998
25 Bisarabia Israel 1973
26 Bistrita Israel N/A
  Bistrits--see Bistrita    
  Biten--see Bytem    
27 Bivalary Israel 1981
  Bivolari--see Bivalari    
  Blazow--see Rzeszow    
28 Bobruysk v.I Israel 1967
29 Bobruysk v.II Israel 1967
  Boguslavishok--see Rakishok    
  Boium--see Tasnad    
  Bolechow--see Bolihov    
30 Bolihov Israel 1957
  Borowa--see Radomysl    
32 Borstchoff Israel 1960
33 Borszczow Israel 1985
34 Brainsk USA 1948
  Bransk--see Brainsk    
35 Bratislava Israel 1960
36 Brest Israel 1954
37 Brestechka Israel 1962
38 Brichevo Israel 1970
  Brisk-D'Lita--see Brest    
39 Brodi Israel 1955
  Brzesc Kuj--see Wloslawek    
  Brzesc--see Brest    
40 Brzezany Israel 1978
41 Brzozow Israel 1984
42 Buczacz Israel 1956-7
  Budanov--see Budzanow    
43 Budazanow Israel 1968
  Bugiem--see Brest    
44 Burstyn Israel 1960
  Bursztyn--see Burstyn    
45 Busk Israel 1965
46 Busk Israel 1962
  Byalovzig--see Bialobrozegi    
495 Bychawa Israel 1969
47 Bytem Argentina 1954
  Byten--see Bytem    
48 Cakovec Israel 1977
  Carpato-Ukraine--see Karpatorus    
  Charsnitza-Kshovnge--see Miechow    
49 Chelem South Africa 1954
50 Chelem Israel 1981
  Chervonoarmeisk--see Radziwillow    
  Chichocinek--see Wloslawek    
51 Chmielnik Israel 1960
  Chodecz--see Wloslawek    
  Cholojow--see Radzichov    
52 Chorostkow Israel 1968
53 Chortkov Israel 1967
54 Chorzele Israel 1967
55 Chotin Israel 1974
56 Chrzanow Germany 1948
57 Chrzanow USA 1989
  Ciechanowiec--see Tshekhanovets    
  Cieszanow--see Tsheshonov    
  Cirod--see Tasnad    
  Cluj--see Kolozsvar, see Tasnad    
  Czermin--see Radomysl    
  Czernowitz--see Ungwar    
58 Czestochowa USA 1958
59 Czestochowa Israel 1967
60 Czestochowa USA 1947
502 Czestochowa Canada 1993
  Czortkow--see Chortkov    
  Czudec--see Rzeszo, see Stzyzow    
62 Czyzewo Israel 1961
  Dambrovic--see Kutno    
  Dandowka--see Zaglembie    
  David-Horodok--see Stolin    
  Deblin--see Demblin Modrzetz    
63 Debreceni Israel 1970
  Debrecen--see Debreceni, see Derecske    
  Dembits--see Dembiza    
64 Dembiza Israel 1960
65 Demblin-Modrzetz Israel 1969
66 Demblin-Modrzetz Israel 1969
67 Derecske--see Debreceni Israel 1984
485 Dereczin--see Deretchin USA 2000
68 Deretchin Israel 1966
  Derevna--see Rubiezewicze    
69 Des v.I Israel 1969
70 Des v.II Israel 1969
71 Devenishki Israel 1977
72 Dinov Israel 1979
  Divenishok--see Devenishki    
  Dmytrow--see Radzichov    
  Dnepropetrovsk--see Yekaterinoslav    
73 Dobosari Israel 1965
74 Dobrizyn-Glov Israel 1969
  Dobrzyn on Vistula--see Wloslawek    
  Dokshits-Parafianow--see Dokszyc-Parafianow    
75 Dokszyc-Parafianow Israel 1970
76 Dombroban Israel 1973
77 Dombrowa-Gornitza--see Zaglembie Israel 1971
  Donivitz--see Kamieniec Podolski    
  Dragomirest--see Marmaros    
  Drozdin--see Stolin    
  Druja--see Glebokie    
  Drzido--see Tasnad    
78 Dubno Israel 1966
  Dubossary--see Dobosari    
  Dulcza--see Radomysl    
79 Dumbraveny--see Dombroban Israel 1974
  Dunajska Streda--see Dunaszerdehelyi    
80 Dunaszerdehelyi Israel 1975
  Dunilowicze--see Glebokie    
  Dusetos--see Dusiat    
81 Dusiat--see Rakishok Israel 1989
  Dynow--see Dinov, see Rzeszow    
  Dzerzhinsk--see Koidanovo    
82 Dzialoszyce Israel 1973
  Dziewieniszki--see Devenishki    
484 Eger Israel 1975
  Eisenstadt--see Ostra v. I    
  Erlau--see Eger    
  Etz Hayim Yeshiva--see Wolozyn    
83 Falenica Israel 1967
83 Falenica -- see Otvotsk    
84 Fehergyarmat Israel 1965
85 Fehergyarmat Israel 1966
  Filipove--see Suvalk    
86 Frampol--see also Kamieniec Podolski Israel 1966
  Frysztak--see Strazyzow    
  Fulin--see Zvhil    
87 Galicia Argentina 1966
88 Galicia--see Poland v. II Israel 1957
  Gargzdai--see Gorzd    
89 Garwolin Israel 1972
505 Glebokie Argentina 1956
  Glina--see Gliniame    
90 Gliniame Israel 1950
  Glinyany--see Gliniame    
  Glogow--see Rzeszow    
  Gnesen--see Gniezno    
  Gniewaszow--see Gniewazhew    
91 Gniezno Israel 1958
92 Gniwazhew Israel 1971
  Golshany--see Olshan    
93 Gorlice Israel 1962
501 Gora Kalwaria Buenos Aires 1975
510 Gora Kalwaria-Ger, English translation USA 2016
  Gorodnica--see Zvhil    
  Gorodok--see Vitebsk    
94 Gorzd Israel 1980
95 Gostynin USA 1960
96 Goworowo Israel 1966
  Grajewo--see Grayevo    
  Gran--see Rubiezewicze    
97 Grayevo USA 1950
  Gresk--see Slutzk    
98 Gritze Israel 1955
  Grodek--see Horodok    
99 Grodno Israel 1973
  Grojec--see Gritze    
100 Grosswardein--see Nagyvarad Israel 1984
  Grozova--see Slutzk    
101 Halmi Israel 1968
  Halmin-Turcz--see Halmi    
  Hivnev--see Uhrnow    
  Hlusk--see Slutzk    
  Hohenzollern--see Wurttemberg    
  Holszany--see Olshan    
103 Horchiv Israel 1966
  Horin--see Stolin    
  Horki--see Slutzk    
104 Horodenkah Israel 1963
105 Horodlo Israel 1963
106 Horodok Israel 1963
  Horszcza--see Hosht    
107 Hosht USA 1965
108 Hosht Israel 1957
  Hresk--see Slutzk    
  Hrozova--see Slutzk    
109 Hrubieszow Israel 1962
110 Hungary Israel 1975
  Hust--see Marmaros    
  Iklad--see Szamosujvar    
  Ingolstadt--see Bavaria    
  Ivia--see Ivye    
111 Ivye Israel 1968
  Iwie--see Ivye    
  Jaborov--see Joworow    
112 Jadow Israel 1966
  Janov Trembovlewski--see Budzanow, see Trembowla    
113 Jarki--see also Zarki Israel 1959
114 Jaroslaw Israel 1978
115 Jaslow Israel 1953
  Jawiercie--see Zawiercie    
117 Jaworow Israel 1979
493 Jaworow [XEROX COPY] USA 1950
118 Jedrzejow Israel 1965
  Jenoviczi--see Vitebsk    
  Jeremicze--see Turzec    
119 Jezierna Israel 1971
120 Jezierzany Israel 1959
121 Jonava Israel 1972
122 Jozefow Israel 1975
123 Jurbarkas Israel 1991
123 ENG Jurbarkas (Yurburg) USA 2004
  Kadainiai--see Keidan    
489 Kaesmark Israel [ ]
124 Kalarash Israel 1966
  Kalisch--see Kalisz    
125 Kalisz, v. I Israel 1964
126 Kalisz, v. II Israel 1968
127 Kalisz Israel 1961
128 Kaluszyn Israel 1961
129 Kaluszyn Israel 1978
482 Kaluszyn Israel 1977
  Kalwarja--see Wadowice    
  Kamay--see Rakishok    
130 Kamieniec-Podolski Israel 1965
  Kamiensk--see Piotrkow-Trybunalski    
130ENG Kaminits-Podolsk USA 1999
131 Kamin-Koshirsky Israel 1965
  Kanczuga--see Rzeszow    
498 Kapresht Israel 1980
  Kapsukas--see Mariampole    
  Kapule--see Slutzk    
  Kapyl--see Slutzk    
  Karfilevke--see Sarnaki    
  Karlin--see Pinsk    
  Karpatalja Marmarosh--see Karpatorus    
133 Karpatorus Israel 1968
134 Karpatorus Israel 1959
  Kartshev--see Otvozk/Kartshev; also Otvotsk    
135 Kaunas--see Kovno Germany 1948
  Kavash--see Tasnad    
136 Kazimierz Israel 1970
137 Keidan Israel 1977
138 Kielce Israel 1957
  Kirali--see Tasnad    
  Kishinev--see Kishinov    
140 Kishinov Israel 1951
139 Kishinov--see Besarabia, see Bisarabia Israel 1950
  Kitaigorod--see Kamieniec Podolski    
  Kleck--see Klezk    
  Klesov--see Sarnaki    
  Kleszczow--see Piotrkow-Trybunalski    
141 Klezk Israel 1959
142 Klosova--see Sarnaki Israel 1978
143 Kobrin Israel 1992
144 Kobrin Argentina 1951
  Kobryn--see Kobrin    
  Kock--see Kotzk    
  Kofin--see Kamieniec Podolski    
145 Koidanovo USA 1955
146 Kolbuszowa USA 1971
  Kolbyszow--see Rzeszow    
147 Kolno Israel 1971
148 Kolomea--see Kolomey Israel 1973
149 Kolomey Israel 1957
150 Kolozsvar USA 1970
151 Kolozsvar Israel 1968
152 Konin Israel 1968
  Koprzywnica--see Pokshivnitza    
153 Korczyn USA 1967
  Korczyna--see Korczyn    
  Korelictz--see Korelitz    
154 Korelitz Israel 1973
  Korets--see Korzec    
  Korezvanik--see Staszow    
  Korosh--see Tasnad    
155 Korzec (Wolyn) Israel 1959
156 Kosow Israel 1964
157 Kosow Lacki USA 1992
158 Koszenitsch Israel 1969
159 Kotzk Israel 1961
  Kovne--see Kaunas, see Kovno    
160 Kovno Israel 1962
161 Kovno Israel N/A
  Kowal Kuj--see Kloslawek    
  Kozhanhorodok--see Luniniec    
  Kozienice--see Koszenitsch    
  Kozieniec--see Koszenitsch    
  Krakau--see Krakow    
162 Krakow Israel 1959
163 Krashnik Israel 1973
  Krasnik--see Krashnik    
164 Krasnobrod Israel 1956
  Krasnopole--see Suvalk    
  Kremenets--see Kremeniec, see Kremenitz    
165 Kremeniec Israel 1954
166 Kreminitz Argentina 1965
167 Krinki Israel 1970
  Kroshnievic--see Kutno    
  Kryniki--see Krinki    
168 Kryvitsh Israel 1976
  Krzywicze--see Kryvitsh    
  Krzywolka--see Suvalk    
  Kujawy--see Wloclawek    
  Kupishok--see Kupiskis    
169 Kupiskis Palestine 1947
170 Kurow Israel 1955
171 Kutno Israel 1968
172 Lachovitz Israel 1949
  Lachowicze--see Lachovitz    
173 Lachwa Israel 1957
  Lagisza--see Zaglembie    
  Lancut--see Lantsut    
174 Lanovitz Israel 1970
  Lanowce--see Lanovitz    
175 Lantsut Israel 1963
176 Lask Israel 1968
506 Laszkarew - Sobolew France 1980
177 Latvia-Estonia Israel 1953
179 Latvia Israel 1972
180 Latvia Israel 1965
  Leczyca--see Kutno,see Lintshitz    
  Lehevich--see Lachovitz    
182 Lenin Israel 1957
183 Lerer USA 1954
184 Levertov France 1947
  Lezajsk--see Lozansk    
475 Libya/Tunisia Israel 1997
185 Lida Israel 1970
487 Liepaja USA 2001
  Linka--see Stolin    
186 Lintshitz Israel 1953
187 Lipkany Israel 1963
  Lite--see Lithuania    
188 Lithuania Israel 1974
189 Lithuania USA 1951
473 Lithuanian Jewry Israel 1959
190 Lithuanian Jewry, v. I Israel 1959
191 Lithuanian Jewry, v. II Israel 1972
192 Lithuanian Jewry, v. III Israel 1967
193 Lithuanian Jewry, v. IV Israel 1984
  Lizhensk--see Lozansk    
194 Lodz Israel N/A
195 Lodz USA 1962
196 Lodz Australia 1974
197 Lodz--see Poland, v. I Palestine 1947
198 Lomza Israel 1952
494 Lomza New York 1957
  Lopatin--see Radzichov    
  Loshits--see Losice    
199 Losice Israel 1963
  Lovitch--see Lowicz    
200 Lowicz Israel 1966
201 Lozansk(y) Israel N/A
  Luban--see Slutzk    
  Lubartow--see Levertov    
  Lubcz--see Lubtch-Delyatichi    
202 Lublin France 1952
203 Lublin Israel 1957
204 Lublin Canada 1951
205 Lublin Israel 1965
206 Luboml Israel 1974
474 Luboml USA 1977
  Lubraniec--see Wloslawek    
207 Lubtch-Delyatichi Israel 1971
  Luck--see Lutzk    
208 Ludmir Israel 1962
209 Ludvirpol Israel 1965
210 Lukow Israel 1968
211 Luniniec Israel 1952
  Lutcza--see Strzyzow    
212 Lutzk Israel 1961
213 Lwow--see Ostra Israel 1956
  Lyubcha--see Lubtch Delyatichi    
490 Maad Israel 1974
  Magyarlapos--see Des    
  Maharam Brisk Yeshiva--see Tasnad    
214 Makov-Mazowiecki Israel 1969
  Malch--see Pruzana    
  Maramaros--see Marmaros    
  Maramuresului--see Marmaros    
215 Marculeshti Israel 1977
216 Margitta Israel 1979
217 Mariampole Israel 1983
  Markuleshty--see Marculeshti    
218 Marmaros (160 communities, see book index) Israel 1983
  Meitsjet--see Molchadz    
  Mezhirichi Wolyn--see Mezhiritch    
219 Mezhiritch Israel 1955
220 Mezokovesd Israel 1994
488 Mezritsch Argentina 1957
221 Michalovce Israel 1969
237 Michow Lubelski Israel 1987
222 Miechow Israel 1971
  Miedzyrzec--see Mezhiritch    
  Mikolajow--see Radzichov    
  Milosna--see Rembertov    
  Minkovitz--see Kamieniec Podolski    
223 Minsk, v. I Israel 1975
224 Minsk, v. II Israel 1985
225 Minsk-Mazowiscki Israel 1977
226 Mir Israel 1962
  Mizoch--see Mizuch    
227 Mizuch Israel 1961
230 Mlawa USA 1950
228 Mlawa, v. I Israel 1984
229 Mlawa, v. II Israel 1984
  Mlawe--see Mlawa    
  Mlinow--see Mlynov, see Muravica    
231 Mlynov-Muravica USA 1986
232 Mlynov-Muravica Israel 1970
233 Modchadz Israel 1973
  Modrzetz--see Demblin-Modrzetz    
508 Molchad, English translation USA 2015
  Most--see Piesk-Most    
234 Mosty-Wielkie Israel 1975
235 Mosty-Wielkie Israel 1977
236 Motele Israel 1979
  Munich--see Bavaria    
  Munkatsch--see Ostra, v. I    
  Myslenice--see Wadowice    
  Nadarzyn--see Pruszkow    
238 Nadworna Israel 1975
  Nagyilonda es Kornyeke--see Des    
  Nagymichaly--see Michalovce    
240 Nagyvarad--see Grosswardein Israel 1981
  Naliboki--see Rubiezewicze    
  Natzunishok--see Rakishok    
  Neistadt--see Plonsk    
  Nevel--see Vitebsk    
  Nicolsburg--see Ungwar    
  Niebylec--see Strzyzow    
241 Nieswiez Israel 1976
  Nieszawa--see Wloclawek    
  Novo-Aleksandrovsk--see Rakishok    
  Novograd Volynskiy--see Zvhil    
  Nowy Sacz--see Sandz    
  Nowy-Dwor (near Bialystok)--see Szczuczyn    
242 Nowy-Dwor Mazowiecki Israel 1965
  Oberwisho--see Marmaros    
243 Oipesht Israel 1975
  Okuniev--see Rembertov    
  Okuniowiec--see Suvalk    
244 Olkeniki Israel 1962
245 Olkusz--see Zaglembie Israel 1978
246 Olshan Israel 1965
247 Olyka Israel 1972
248 Opatow Israel 1966
249 Opoczno Israel 1989
  Oradea--see Grosswardein, see Nagyvarad    
  Orlowa--see Zheludok    
  Oshik--see Staszow    
  Osieck--see Staszow    
251 Ostra, v. I Palestine 1946
252 Ostra Israel 1987
253 Ostra Israel 1966
  Ostrin--see Szczuczyn    
254 Ostrog--see Ostra Israel 1960
  Ostrovtse--see Ostrowiec    
255 Ostrow Mazowiecka Israel 1960
256 Ostrow Mazowiecka Israel 1966
257 Ostrowiec Israel 1982
504 Otvotsk (Otwock) Bamberg 1948
258 Otvozk/Kartshev Israel 1968
  Otwock--see Otvozk/Kartshev    
  Ozieran--see Jezierzany    
259 Ozorkow Israel 1967
260 Pabianice Israel 1956
  Padhajce--see Podgaytsy    
261 Piesk/Most Israel 1975
265 Pinsk USA 1941
262 Pinsk, v. I, Part I Israel 1973
263 Pinsk, v. I, Part II Israel 1977
264 Pinsk, v. II Israel 1966
265 Pinsk USA 1941
266 Piotrkow Trybunalski Israel 1965
  Pir--see Tasnad    
267 Pitchayev USA 1960
  Plociczno--see Suvalk    
268 Plonsk Israel 1963
  Plontch--see Staszow    
  Plotnica--see Stolin    
269 Plotzk (reel leadsheet incorrectly labeled Plonsk, title page on film and box caption are correct) Israel 1967
  Pochayev--see Pichayev    
  Poczajow--see Pichayev    
270 Podgaytsy Israel 1972
  Podhitzah--see Podgaytsy    
  Pogost--see Slutzk    
  Pohost--see Slutzk    
271 Pokshivnitza Israel 1971
  Polenitz--see Staszow    
  Polna--see Zvhil    
  Polozk--see Vitebsk, see Pultusk    
  Ponedel--see Rakishok    
  Ponumunok--see Rakishok    
  Postawy--see Glebokie    
275 Praga (Poland) Israel 1974
276 Pressburg--see Bratislava    
  Proshkov--see Pruszkow    
277 Proshnitz Israel 1974
278 Pruszkow Israel 1966
503 Pruzana Argentina 1958
  Przasnysz--see Proshnitz    
279 Przeborz Israel 1977
  Przebrody--see Suvalk    
  Przeclaw--see Radomysl    
280 Przedecz Israel 1974
281 Przemysl Israel 1964
  Przeworsk--see Rzeszow    
  Przytyk--see Pshitik    
  Pshaytsh--see Przedecz    
  Psheroshle--see Suvalk    
282 Pshitik Israel 1973
283 Pulawy USA 1964
284 Pultusk Israel 1971
  Punsk--see Suvalk    
285 Racionz Israel 1965
  Raczki--see Suvalk    
  Radekhov--see Radzichov    
287 Radom Israel/USA 1963
288 Radom Israel 1961
289 Radom Germany 1948
290 Radomsk Israel 1967
292 Radomysl Israel 1971
293 Radoshkovitz Israel 1953
  Radoszkowice--see Radoshkovitz    
294 Radzichov Israel 1976
  Radziechow--see Radzichov    
295 Radziwillow Israel 1966
296 Radzymin Israel 1975
297 Radzyn-Podlaski Israel 1957
  Rahov--see Marmaros    
298 Rakishok South Africa 1952
  Ranizow--see Rzeszow    
299 Ratno Israel 1983
300 Rawitsch Israel 1962
  Raysha--see Rzeszow    
  Raziv--see Zvhil    
  Recica--see Stolin    
301 Rembertov Israel 1974
  Retteg--see Des    
302 Riki Israel 1973
303 Rimbach USA 1987
  Ritvin--see Staszow    
304 Rohatyn Israel 1962
  Rokiskis--see Rakishok    
305 Rokitno Israel 1967
  Rokitnoye--see Rokitno, see Shavli    
  Romanovka--see Bessarabia    
  Roviya--see Stolin    
306 Rovno Israel 1956
307 Rozana Israel 1957
  Rozanka--see Szczuczyn    
  Rozan--see Rozhan    
308 Rozhan Israel 1977
  Rozhinoy--see Rozana    
  Rozpsza--see Piotrkow Trybunalski    
309 Rozwadow Israel 1968
310 Rubiezewicze Israel 1968
  Ryki--see Riki    
313 Rypin Israel 1962
  Rytwiany--see Staszow    
314 Rzeszow Israel 1967
  Sacaseni--see Tasnad    
315 Salaj Israel 1989
317 Saloniki Israel 1967
318 Saloniki, v. I Israel 1972
319 Saloniki, v. II Israel 1986
  Sandromierski--see Baranow    
320 Sandz Israel 1970
471 Sanok Tel Aviv 1969?
  Sants--see Sandz    
321 Sarnaki Israel 1968
322 Sarny Israel 1961
323 Sasov Palestine 1945
324 Sasov Israel 1979
  Satal--see Tasnad    
325 Satmar Israel 1984
  Satu Mare--see Satmar    
  Sauca--see Tasnad    
  Saviercze--see Zawiercie, see Jawiercie    
328 Scherps Israel 1959
509 Sierpc, English translation USA 2014
  Scherschev--see Pruzana    
  Sejny--see Suvalk    
  Sekurian--see Sokiryany    
  Selenevo--see Suvalk    
  Seltz--see Pruzana    
329 Semiatych Israel 1965
  Sevenishok--see Rakishok    
330 Shavli Israel 1958
  Shedlets--see Siedlce    
  Shemezeva--see Slutzk    
  Shidlov--see Staszow    
  Shipola--see Shpola    
351 Shpola Israel 1965
  Shtruvits--see Radzichov    
331 Shumla Israel 1968
332 Siedlce Argentina 1956
  Siemiatycze--see Semiatych    
  Sienkow--see Radzichov    
  Sierpc--see Scherps    
  Siget--see Marmaros    
  Silbasz--see Tasnad    
  Sinit--see Tasnad    
333 Skala USA 1978
335 Skalat Israel 1971
336 Skalat Germany 1948
337 Skernievitz Israel 1955
  Skierniewice--see Skernievitz    
  Skopishok--see Rakishok    
  Slawkow--see Zaglembie    
338 Slonim, v. I Israel 1961
339 Slonim, v. II Israel 1962
340 Slonim, v. III Israel 1972
  Slutsk--see Slutzk    
341 Slutzk Israel 1962
  Smotrich--see Kamieniec Podolski    
  Sobibor--see Wlodawa    
  Sobolewo-see Suvalk    
327 Sochaczew Israel 1962
  Sochochew--see Sochaczew    
  Sochocin--see Plonsk    
  Sodoro--see Tasnad    
343 Sokal Israel 1968
344 Sokiryany Israel 1954
345 Sokoli Israel 1962
346 Sokolka Israel 1968
  Sokolovka--see Yustingrad    
  Sokolow--see Rzeszow    
347 Sopotkin Israel 1960
  Sorbod--see Tasnad    
349 Sosnowiec, v. I Israel 1973
350 Sosnowiec, v. II--see Zaglembie Israel 1974
  Srock--see Piotrkow Trybunalski    
  Stanislawczyk--see Radzichov    
352 Stanislawow Israel 1952
  Starachowitz--see Wierzbnik    
  Starobin--see Slutzk    
  Staryye Dorogi--see Slutzk    
  Stashov--see Staszow    
353 Staszow Israel 1962
354 Stavisk Israel 1973
507 Stawiski, English translation USA 2015
355 Stefanesti Israel 1989
356 Stercew Israel 1967
  Stertzev--see Stercew    
  Stoinov--see See Sokal    
357 Stolin Israel 1952
  Stremiltsh--see Radzichov    
  Strezemieszyce--see Zaglembie    
  Strirzow--see Rzeszow    
  Strusow--see Trembowla    
358 Stryj Israel 1962
  Stryzow--see Strzyzow    
359 Strzyzow USA 1969
360 Strzyzow Israel 1969
  Stuhl Weisssenburg--see Szekesfehervar    
  Subat--see Rakishok    
  Sucha--see Wadowice    
361 Suchowola Israel 1957
  Sulejow--see Piotrkow Trybunalski    
  Supurul de Jos--see Tasnad    
362 Suvalk Israel 1989
363 Suvalk USA 1961
  Suwalki--see Suvalk    
  Svaj--see Vitebsk    
  Svencioneliai--see Svintzian    
  Sviadoshts--see Rakishok    
364 Svintzian Israel 1965
  Svisloch--see Svislotz    
365 Svislotz Israel 1984
368 Svislotz Israel 1961
366 Swir Israel 1975
367 Swir Israel 1959
369 Szamosujvar Israel 1971
  Szarkowszczyzna--see Glebokie    
  Szatmarra--see Satmar    
370 Szczebrzeszyn Israel 1954
370 ENG Szczebrzeszyn USA 2005
  Szczercow--see Stercew    
371 Szczuczyn Israel 1954
372 Szczuczyn Israel 1966
483 Szekesfehervar Israel 1997
  Szeprzyn--see Szczebrzeszyn    
499 Sziget Israel 2003
  Szilad--see Tasnad    
  Szilagi--see Salaj    
  Szydlow--see Staszow    
  Tanto--see Tasnad    
373 Targowica Israel 1967
374 Tarnopol Israel 1955
375 Tarnow, v. I Israel 1954
376 Tarnow, v. II Israel 1968
  Tartakov--see Sokal    
377 Tasnad Israel 1973
  Tchitch--see Stzyzow    
  Teachers-Poland--see 183    
  Tecs--see Marmaros    
379 Telsiai Israel 1984
  Telz--see Telsiai    
381 Ternovka, 2nd ed. Israel 1972
382 Ternovka, 1st ed. Israel 1970
  Theresienstadt--see Terezin    
  Ticzin--see Rzeszow    
  Timkovichi--see Slutzk    
  Timkowitz--see Slutzk    
383 Tlumacz Israel 1976
384 Tluste Israel 1965
386 Tomashow-Lubelski USA 1965
386 ENG Tomashow-Lubelski USA 2008
385 Tomashow-Mazowiecki Israel 1969
491 Tooretz-Yeremitz Israel 1977
  Toporow--see Radzichov    
  Torne--see Tarnow    
387 Transylvania (see book index on p. 289 for listings of towns) Israel 1976
388 Trembowla Israel 198-
  Trovits--see Targowica    
389 Tshekhanovets Israel 1951
390 Tsheshanov Israel 1970
391 Tshijevo--see also Czyzewo Israel 1961
  Tunisia--see Libya/Tunisia    
392 Turka Israel 1966
393 Turobin Israel 1967
394 Turzec Israel 1978
395 Tysmienica Israel 1974
  Ubin--see Radzichov    
396 Uhnow Israel 1981
  Ujhely--see Zemplen    
  Ujpesti--see Oipesht    
  Ujpest--see Oipesht    
397 Ukraine, v. I USA 1961
398 Ukraine, v. II USA 1967
400 Ungwar, v. IV Israel 1950
  Urechye--see Slutzk    
496 Ustilah Israel 1961
  Uzhgorod--see Ungwar    
  Varnzy--see Sokal    
  Varshe--see Warsaw    
  Vasilishki--see Szczuczyn    
  Vengrov--see Wengrow    
  Venice (Italy)--see Ungwar    
  Verchutin--see Slutzk    
  Vienna--see Ostra, v. I    
402 Vilna Poland 1947
403 Vilna USA 1947
404 Vilna Israel 1975
405 Vilna Israel 1974
406 Vilna, v. I USA 1974
407 Vilna, v. II USA 1974
408 Vilna, v. III USA 1974
409 Vilna--see Ostra, v. I Argentina 1947
  Virushov--see Wieruszow    
  Vishneva--see Wiszniew    
410 Vishnevetz Israel ----
  Vitavsek--see Vitebsk    
411 Vitebsk Israel 1957
412 Vitebsk USA 1956
  Vizhan--see Suvalk    
  Vizna--see Slutzk    
  Vladimir Volynskiy--see Ludmir    
413 Vladimirets Israel 1963
414 Voislavize Israel 1970
417 Volkovysk Palestine 1946
419 Volkovysk Israel 1988
415 Volkovysk, v. I USA 1949
416 Volkovysk, v. II USA 1949
486 Vokovysk Memorial Book Israel 2002
497 Volomin Israel 1971
  Volovo--see Marmaros    
  Volozhin--see Wolozyn    
  Volynhia--see Wolyn, see Yampol    
  Voronovka--see Zvhil    
421 Vyshkov Israel 1964
  Vysock--see Stolin, see Wysock    
  Vysotsk--see Wysock    
422 Wadowice Israel 1967
423 Warsaw Argentina 1955
424 Warsaw Israel 1948
425 Warsaw Israel 1973
426 Warsaw, v. I Israel 1953
427 Warsaw, v. II--see Poland, v. IV Israel 1959
428 Wegrow Israel 1961
429 Wieliczka Israel 1980
430 Wielun Israel 1971
431 Wieruszow Israel 1970
431 Wieruszow Israel 1970
433 Wieruszow Israel 1970
434 Wierzbnik Israel 1973
  Wisniowiec Nowy--see Vishnevetz    
436 Wiszniew Israel 1972
  Witkow, Nowy--see Radzichov    
438 Wloclawek Israel 1967
439 Wlodawa Israel 1974
  Wlodzimierzec--see Vladimirets    
  Wlodzimierz--see Ludmir    
  Woiborz--see Piotrkow Trybunalski    
  Wojslawice--see Vioslavize    
441 Wolbrom Israel 1962
  Wolica--see Radzichov    
  Wolkowysk--see Volkovysk    
  Wolma--see Rubiezewicze    
442 Wolomin Israel 1971
443 Wolozyn Israel 1970
444 Wolyn, v. I (see book index for listing of place names, p. 5-7) Palestine 1947
445 Wolyn, v. II (see book index for listing of place names, p. 6-8)--see Yampol Israel 1953
  Wygoda--see Radzichov    
447 Wysock Israel 1963
  Wyszkow--see Vyshkov    
  Yadew--see Jadow    
449 Yampol Israel 1963
  Yampola--see Yampol    
  Yanova--see Jonava    
450 Yedinitz Israel 1973
  Yedintsy--see Yedinitz    
451 Yekaterinoslav Israel 1972
453 Yugoslavia Israel 1988
481 Yugoslavia Israel 1990
452 Yugoslavia, v. I Israel 1971
  Yurburg--see Jurbarkas    
454 Yustingrad Israel 1972
455 Zabludove Argentina 1961
456 Zabludow (Hebrew translation of excerpt from Zabludove) Israel 1987
  Zaglebie--see Zaglembie    
457 Zaglembie Israel 1972
  Zalau--see Sadaj, see Tasnad    
  Zalnok--see Tasnad    
458 Zambrov Israel 1963
  Zamikhov--see Kamieniec Podolski    
459 Zamosc Israel 1957
459ENG Zamosc USA 2004
460 Zarki Israel 1959
  Zassow--see Radomysl    
  Zawidcze--see Radzichov    
326 Zawiercie Israel 1958
462 Zdunska Wola Israel 1968
  Zdzieciol--see Zetel    
463 Zelow Israel 1976
464 Zelva USA 1992
  Zembrova--see Zembrov    
465 Zemplen Canada 1986
466 Zetel Israel 1957
467 Zheludok Israel ----
  Zhetl--see Zetel    
  Zielonje--see Suvalk    
  Zoludek--see Zheludok    
  Zvanitz--see Kamieniec Podolski    
468 Zvhil Israel 1962
  Zwiahl--see Zvhil    
469 Zychlin Israel 1974
470 Zyrardow Argentina 1961

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