Collection Lists
1988-1001 | US Army Manual for Control of German Information Services | 12-May-45 | Describes policy and operations procedures of US occupation of Germany following end of war in May 1945. |
1988-1010 | “Report on Germany” | 16 May 1945 | Published by the Union of Democratic Control, London. Presents British Marxist view of Nazi period and immediate post-war problems. |
1988-1012 | Handbuch zum Entschadigungsverfahren. | n.d. | Includes maps showing location of German concentration camps in Germany and occupied Europe, prepared by Edward Kossoy, Munich. Four maps: Map 1: Polanen, Frank.., Nord Africa; Map 2: MittelEuropa; Map 3: Polen and Balticum; Map 4: Donaurum and Italia. |
1988-1013 | Reverend Paul Hecht, statement and list | n.d. | Documents (1) personal history in Berlin 1938-1939; (2) list of names of functionaries of Berlin Jewish congregations deported 1939-1942, showing KZ camps where killed; (3) list of names of members of Hecht family deported 1939-1942, showing KZ camps where killed. |
1988-1027 | Merkblatt fur die Umsiedlungsaktion der in Wien Wohnenden Juden in Polnisches Gebiet | 23 October 1939 | Official deportation order and registration form with instructions regarding deportation of Jews from Vienna to the “Polish territories” |
1988-1037 | Theresiendstadt (Terezin) Paper currency View Terezin currency. |
1943 | “Eine Krone” bill. Example of currency issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp in Czechoslovakia |
1988-1041 | Der Deutsche Polizeibeamte, Berlin | 1 May 1937 | Official Nazi police instruction manual, including a section on “Obtaining Accurate Information from Informers” |
1988-1043 | “The Effects of Strategic Bombing on German Morale” | May 1947 (Vol. I) and December 1946 (Vol. II) | Published by United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Morale Division, Washington. Describes social and political conditions in Nazi Germany during latter period of WWII |
1988-1045 | Dr. Walter Feuereisen, papers | 1940-1943, 1962 | Papers of Czech Jewish physician. Includes letters (photocopies); postal cards Lodz Ghetto ; certificates from “Juedische Koltuscgemeinde, Prague”. (Originals of letters in Wiener Collection, Tel Aviv University, Israel) |
1988-1046 | Remak and Mosenthal family papers View correspondence with US State Department. |
1920-1979 | Documents include photocopy of official document from Nationalsozialstische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Berlin, 12 November 1938 concerning takeover of Jewish business belong to H. Remak (German), letter from W. Remak, son of H. Remak, English (original), family pictures and letters relating to Mosenthal family, and letter to/from US State Department regarding attempts to obtain exit visa for mother |
1988-1054 | Edward L. Schreiber, papers View finding aid. |
1944 | Includes typescript of newspaper article, and a short story based on his experiences in Nazi Germany, “The Story of Fred McMound Green, alia Fritz Grinberg.” Please note: Title is in English; story in German. |
1988-1055 | Oscar Erdos, questionnaire and letter | 26 July 1945 | Includes “Military Government of Germany: Concentration Camp Inmates Questionnaire.” Informational form, issued in Dachau. Also included is a letter from Mr. Erdos, describing his liberation. |
1988-1057 | Jakob Kalinski, document View finding aid. |
4 November 1946 | UNRRA Labor office certificate. Issued at Feldafind Camp, Displaced persons (DP) labor camp |
1988-1062 | Marianne De Wilde, document | 18 August 1941 | Identity card, issued in Amsterdam, Holland |
1988-1064 | Friedrich Breder, document | 16 May 1972 | Summons from Austrian Government, requesting his attendance at war crimes trial of Franz Wunsch and Otto Graf, former Auschwitz guards, as witness for the government |
1988-1144 | Julius Landauer, papers | 1935, 1941-1942 | Includes three envelopes addressed to Julius Landauer at Concentration Camp Balboa, Canal Zone (Panama) from his wife, Mary Landauer in Panama, and a membership card Reichsbund Judischer Frontsoldaten |
1988-1147 | Otto Kraus, papers | 1944-1945, | Transcripts of letters, including one intended for his parents in Terezin which was smuggled out of Auschwitz. In the letter he dramatically pleads for them to spare themselves the fate that has befallen him. Also a letter to Mr. Kraus from Honzu [friend?] |
1988-1148 | Annalize Buchsthal, document | 1936-1939 | German passport (Reise-Pass) with US immigration visa. Transit via Naples, Italy, 4 March 1939 |
1988-1159 | Nazi/German military regalia | The Tauber Holocaust Library and Archives has a large collection of Nazi artifacts and regalia, including flags, banners, buckles, buttons, medals, uniforms, helmets, cutlery, stationery set. Consult archivist for more information. | |
1988-1163 | Borders of the Warsaw Ghetto, Joseph Ziemian | 1971 | Yad Vashem publication which shows streets and areas of Warsaw Ghetto |
1988-1164 | Kaiser Family, papers | Jewish ID card issued by Nazi Occupation Force in Holland, yellow star badge | |
1988-1165 | Leaflets, Allied Headquarters and Nazi propaganda material | Leaflets from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, in several languages, addressed to workers. Nazi pamphlet of propaganda material and fake American dollar with anti-Jewish propaganda | |
1988-1167 | In Hitler’s Prisons | 1937-1939 | Anonymous memoir of former judge, describing his experience of Nazi imprisonment. English translation available. |
1988-1170 | Der Stroop-Bericht [The Destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto 1931-Official Daily Reports] |
1960 | Daily report by General Stroop of the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto. Describes resistance efforts. This particular facsimile copy’s cover indicates it came from Nuremburg tribunals |
1988-1177 | German Tax Guide, Bonn | 1938 | Documents Nazi tax policies. English translation of Table of Contents available. |
1988-1180 | Kampf Um’s Dritte Reich, Eine Historische Bilderfolge | 1933 | Picture album tracing early history of the Nazi party. |
1988-1188 | “A Press Policy of Non-Aggression” | January 1938 | Part of an address by Dr. Otto Dietrich, Reich Press Chief to Diplomatic corps and foreign correspondents, Berlin, Jan 1938. English langauge version. |
1988-1201 | Certificate of appointment for Dr. Walther Heess | 11 December 1942 | Certificate appointing Dr. Walther Heess to Civil Service and Police Director. Signed by Hitler and Himmler, includes official seal. |
1988-1203 | A Last Appeal to Reason:Speech before the Reichstag, 19th July 1940 | n.d. | Translation of Hitler’s speech before the Reichstag on 19 July 1940, newsprint. No indication of publisher or source. |
1988-1210 | Typescript of various articles from Swiss newspapers about Nazism | 1935 | |
1988-1212 | Sichere die Ewigkeit Deines Volkes [Secure the perpetuity of your people] | n.d. | Poster urging pride in being German |
1988-1213 | Clippings, regarding cartoonist David Low | 1939-1945 | David Low was a political cartoonist featured in the New York Times. These clippings include articles about him and several examples of his cartoons. |
1988-1220 | Microfilm copies, New York Times | 1942-1943 | Articles relating to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and other Holocaust-related events: 2 July 1942, 22 July 1943, 22 May 1943, 25 May 1943, 4 June 1943, 9 June 1943 |
1988-1225 | De Westerborker | 24 April 1945-1 June 1945 | The newsletter of post-liberation Westerbork Camp in the Netherlands. Westerbork was liberated 12 April 1945 |
1988-1231 | Reichsgesetzblatt, Teil I | 5 September 1941 | Reichs Law Gazette; includes police order on treatment of Jews |
1988-1244 | Ray Chimerane, papers | 1969 | Correspondence between Professor Dr. Richard Feder and Ray Chimerane on the history of the community of Havlickuv Brod and the fate of the members of its Jewish community. Prof. Feder was the chief rabbi of Brno, Czechoslovakia |
1988-1246 | “Latvian-Jewish Relations: The Tragic Plight of Latvians and Jews under Nazi Occupation of Latvia,” Charles Collins | n.d. | Report on fate of the Jews of Latvia |
1988-1260 | Scrapbook, regarding meeting of survivors from Athens, Mrs. Berry Nahmias | 1981 | Transcript in Greek of speech on October 10, 1981, Athens, Greece at meeting of survivors from Athens. Includes copies of clippings |
1988-1269 | Hajnal Schwartz, certificate View finding aid. |
9 August 1945 | Certification of liberation from Auschwitz, issued at Bergen-Belsen |
1988-1272 | Mirjam Levin Family, papers | 1936-1945 | Includes passport, and photocopies of documents related to KZ Westerbork and KZ Bergen-Belsen. |
1988-1275 | Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung [advance/preliminary turnover tax return] | 1939 | German tax form |
1988-1277 | Refrieda Jacobowitz, certificate | 1944-1945? | Vaccination card from Theresienstadt |
1988-1278 | Report, Dr. Zeev Gothold | 1946 | Report on orphaned Holocaust survivors in European refugee camps. This report is entirely in Hebrew. |
1988-1286 | Jenny Kamnitzer papers View finding aid. |
1938-1941 | Includes German passport, Kenn-Karte and emigration papers, as well as numerous documents relating to Mrs. Kamnitzer’s stay in Shanghai. Also includes immigration papers to the US. |
1988-1290 | “Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) in Germany and in the United States of America, 1945 to 1960,” Josef Butterman | 1960 | Report dedicated to the Fifteenth Anniversary of the liberation of KZ Bergen-Belsen. Includes snapshots. |
1988-1294 | Eduard Seelig, papers View finding aid. |
1938, 1946, 1983, 1984 | Papers of German-Jewish family in Halle, Germany. Includes biographical information and correspondence. Nine letters were written by Mr. Seelig during his imprisonment from 15 Jul 1938-13 Mar 1939 for the crime of “Helping to Conceal Jewish Business Enterprises” |
1988-1300 | Dr. Hans Esberg, papers View letter. View finding aid. |
1943, Oct-Nov 1945 | Includes correspondence to Dr. Esberg from Max Cohn about survivor refugee camps and concentration camp experiences. In addition, of particular interest is a letter written to Dr. Esberg 5 May 1945 by the wife of a GI. The soldier was given a letter from a friend of hers. It is dated 8 Mar 1943 and describes the death of his father and imprisonment of Max Cohn, who was in Theresienstadt. |
1988-1306 | Editorial reprint from New York Post of 3 July 1934 | 1934? | Leaflet printed by non-sectarian Anti-Nazi League of New York. The editorial urges a boycott of Nazi Germany. |
1988-1308 | Karl Bach, papers View finding aid. |
1938-1949 | Correspondence relating to a family’s attempt to assist in their German relatives’ immigration attempts. English translations of German-language material are available. Includes correspondence from Helen Elmann, wife of Mischa Elmann.. |
1988-1314 | “Who are the Refugees?”, from United Nations Weekly Bulletin | 3 August 1946 | |
1988-1322 | “Als Ob” (As Though), poem | n.d. | Poem by unknown Terezin prisoner, with English translation by Max Knight |
1988-1332 | “Eternal Night” broadcasts and scripts | 1956, 1957, 1959, 1977 | Includes 5 separate broadcast scripts from 1956-1959, and “Catalogue: “The Eternal Light Radio Scripts.” The Eternal Light was a radio program presented by National Broad Company, Inc. as a public service under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. |
1988-1335 | British pamphlets on Nazi antisemitism | 1938, 1940, 1943 | Reprints from the London Spectator and Evening Standard. Also includes photocopy of clipping from Times of India |
1988-1341 | Back Family, papers | 1926-1941 | Family documents and certificates. Includes legitimization/adoption certificate in Greek and German for one family member. English translation of some documents available. |
1988-1350 | Material on Nazi book burning | 1941-1944 | Includes correspondence, script of radio broadcast by Stephen Vincent Benet: “They Burned the Books” (May 1942) and other materials relating to Nazi book burning. Also includes: “List of Authors Whose Books Were Burned by the Nazis on May 10, 1933 or Subsequently Banned in the Third Reich”, compiler unknown. |
1988-1374 | “Anhalt dur Durchfuhrung der Operation Harpune” [Support for the Execution of Operation Harpoon] | n.d. | Facsimile of map outlining Hitler’s plan for an invasion of Great Britain in April 1941. Operation Harpune was a deception operation, meant to distract from Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi plan to invade the Soviet Union. |
1988-1376 | “Deportation der Juden aus Italien” [Deportation of Jews from Italy] | n.d. | Charts showing deportation of Jews from Italy to German concentration camps, 1943-1945. Photocopy from Archivo Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporaneo, Milano, Italy |
1988-2035 | Hans Arons, papers | 1939-1945 | Includes 16 photographs of Shanghai Ghetto, and, identification and emigration certificates from Shanghai. |
1989-1002 | Becker family papers View postcard. View finding aid. |
1940-1941 | Family correspondence, including letters and postcards sent from the Warsaw and Lodz Ghettos from Abraham Becker, Tadek and Lolek Becker and other family members. English translation of two letters available. Postcards bear stamp of General Gouvernement. Also includes food parcel receipts for packages sent to Poland. |
1990-1002 | Max Rosenstein, papers | 1943-1945 | Includes postcards, transport papers, certificates relating to Auschwitz, Terezin, Westerbork, Bergen-Belsen, for Max and Sophie Rosenstein. |
1990-1004 | Rabbi George and Emmie Vida papers | 1939 | Personal papers and documents. Includes correspondence, news clippings, memoirs, family memorabilia and oral history tapes. The Vidas were refugees from Czechoslovakia. Collection comprises several files and is unprocessed, except for index to certain documents. |
1990-1006 | Jacob Zilverberg, documents | 1943 | Amsterdam post office receipt for package sent to KZ Voght (Holland). Pre-printed postcard receipt with handwritten comments. |
1990-1009 | George K. Oppenheim papers | 1939-1941, 1990 | Family correspondence. George K. Oppenheim was a German refugee in France. This collection is RESTRICTED and cannot be be used for publication without permission of donor. |
1990-1011 | Aaron Blumenfeld musical scores and tapes | 1990 | Includes: Holocaust Memorial Cantata; Holocaust Memorial Symphonic Poem; Holocaust Commemorative Song. Three complete scores and one cassette tape. Collection includes cover letter and biographical materials. In 2 folders |
1990-1013 | “Nazi Genocide in Poland 1939-1945: A Documentation” | 1939-1945, 1991 | Photographs of documents on Nazi genocide in Poland from Main Commission in Poland for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland, with inventory of documents in English, Polish, German. |
1990-1015 | Program for Mass Meeting against Nazi Extermination of Jews and Other Minorities, Civic Auditorium, San Francisco View cover of program |
17 June 1943 | Event included speech by Thomas Mann and performances by Isaac Stern and Eddie Cantor. |
1990-1022 | Fritz and Wilhemina Lokesch, letter View letter. View finding aid. |
13 January 1939 | Letter from Fritz and Wilhemina Sass Lokesch to E.M. Sass of San Francisco. The Lokesches were Viennese Jews living in Prague. The letter was written to a stranger whose last name was similar to Wilhemina Lokesch’s maiden name. This letter documents the desperation of those hoping to leave Europe in face of Nazi invasions. |
1990-1027 | Warsaw and Lodz Ghetto artifacts | 1940, n.d. | Includes 5 coins, 1 miniature Hebrew prayerbook from Warsaw; 3 currency notes from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) |
1991-1003 | Phillipsohn-Orwitz Family, papers | 1940, 1957 | Includes declaration, affidavits of support, correspondence and photocopies of documents. |
1991-1016 | Hans Frankenthal (John Franklin), papers | 1941-1945 | Personal documents, certificates, clippings from KZ Westerbork & Bergen & Holland: Yellow star badge. Includes DP card. Also “Warning” leaflet to German officers and Gestapo, in the name of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. Backpack, cup, utensils in separate box. |
1991-1021 | JW Eisenberg, papers | October 1945-February 1946 | Memorandums to Officer in Charge from JW Eisenberg, Counter Intelligence Corp. US government reports regarding interviews with Holocaust survivors in UNRAA camps 1945-1946 (German). |
1992-1004 | Red Cross bag | 1938 | Given to German Jewish refugees deported to Poland to use for holding valuables under garments |
1992-1005 | Feibusch family papers View finding aid. |
1945-1946 | Post war correspondence regarding the fate of Irne Baecker and her family members who were deported to KZ Malines and eastward. Also 2 photographs. |
1993-1006 | Rich Task, papers | n.d. | “Plan of the Concentration Camp Birkenau,” excerpts from literature on camp (from Auschwitz Museum), 9 pp.; Lodz ghetto “eine mark” paper currency |
1994-1002 | “Nederland Inden Oorlog: Zooals Het Werkelijk Was” [The Netherlands in the war: As it really was] | 1946 | Report, including articles and facsimilies of wartime documents |
1994-1003 | Lazarus Family, papers | 1941-1994 | Includes certificates, affidavit of support, correspondence, identification card, as well as more recent newspaper article on family history. |
1994-1004 | KZ Theresiendstadt currency | 7 bank notes | |
1995-1001 | Allied Safe Conduct Surrender leaflet | 1945 | Used to encourage German soldiers to surrender. |
1995-1004 | Artifacts from post-WWI Germany and Nazi era postcards | 1919-1940s | Germany currency and material from post-WWI inflationary period, and postcards from Nazi era |
1995-1005 | Die Fackel, ed. Karl Kraus, | September 1930 and August 1931 | 2 issues. Die Fackel was a digest of political and literary criticism. Folder includes information about Karl Kraus, its editor. |
1995-1006 | “Explaicaciones concernando las declarationes de fortunas” | 1 March 1943 | Document addressed to the Jewish community of Thessaloniki, Greece regarding Declaration of Wealth as requested by German authorities |
1996-1001 | Erich and Else Goldstein, papers | 1938, 1939 | “Arbeitsbuch” and “Reisepass” (workbooks and passports), including entries in Japanese in passports. Document the required use of “Israel” and “Sarah” as middle names for Jews. |
1997-1001 | Hildegard Jordan Lewis, certificate | 24 June 1933 | German Youth Certificate, featuring pictures of Hitler and Hindenberg |
1997-1002 | Nazi artifacts | Includes: spoon with swastika on handle, large napkin with swastika in center; small napkin from Hitler’s headquarters in Berchtesgaden | |
2000-1001 | Postage stamps, Deutsches Reich | 100 Nazi-era postage stamps | |
2000-1002 | Kurt Fischel, papers | 1937-1939, 1958 | Includes passport, health insurance card, certificate of compensation (1958). Also includes birth certificate, revised to conform to registration requirements that Jewish men take the additional given name of “Israel”. |
2000-1003 | Concentration Camp and Ghetto artifacts | 1940, n.d. | Marks from Lodz ghetto. Also includes 4 metal coins and 1 button. [Perhaps from Terezin-Theresienstadt (Czechoslovakia)] |
2001-1003 | Prayer book – Abridged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States | 1943 | English-Hebrew prayer book for evening service for the Sabbath, and morning service for week-days. |
2001-1004 | Nazi badge/arm band | Black and white | |
2002-1001 | Nazi stamp and postcard collection/postcards | Album contains numerous postcards and loose stamps, including several commemorating 1936 Olympics. Album and its contents are fragile. | |
2002-1003 | Fischer Family, papers | 1902-1945 | Includes personal documentation, including financial papers and those relating to the sale of a business and emigration from Germany, school records, identification papers, pre-war certificates, naturalization certificate. The Fischer family was Austrian. |
2002-1004 | Efim Eydus, papers | 1915, 1941-1946, 1980 | Efrim Eydus was a Russian Jewish solider, serving with the Soviet Army. Collection includes birth certificate, and certificates and identification books regarding military service in the Soviet Army during World War II. |
2004-1001 | Ernest and Linda Turner, papers | 1899-1901, 1932-1943 | The Turners were a Hungarian family, forced out by Hungarian anti-Jewish laws, who emigrated to the United States in 1940. Includes family genealogy, certificates and other official documents, correspondence, postcards, passports. |
2004-1002 | Collection of unrelated Holocaust documents | 1939-1940, n.d. | Includes Jewish registration card, passport, armband with Star of David, photograph, postcard. English translation of registration card available. |
2004-1003 | Nazi insignia pin | ||
2004-1005 | R.H. Holdeman, papers | 1979-1982 | Collection on Holocaust Denial and antisemitism. Includes books, journals, newsletters |
2004-1006 | Reuben Ainsztein, papers | 1961-1986 | Reprints of articles by Reuben Ainsztein and others on Holocaust; includes clippings and obituaries on Ainsztein |
2004-1007 | Rudolph Simon, papers | 1979-1983 | Correspondence and notes with universities and publishers, regarding publication of papers and symposium; emphasis on German exile literature as subject matter. |
2004-1008 | Friedrich Kolb, papers | 1910, 1939-1952 | Mr. Kolb emigrated from Germany in 1939. Includes certificates, passport, correspondence, postcards, photographs, financial records, clippings and memoir. |
2004-1009 | Max Knight Collection | 1939-1973 | Includes correspondence, manuscript “The Story of My Life,” documents, publications, leaflets. |
2004-1010 | Edith Schoenberger-Kaufman | Personal papers | |
2004-1011 | Hilda Prager Silberberg, papers. | 1939-1947 | Hilda Prager Silberberg emigrated from Nurnberg, Germany to California in 1939. This collection is comprised of voluminous correspondence, particularly from Pauline Prager, Hilda Prager Silberberg’s mother, as well as considerable correspondence from friends and other family members. |
2004-1012 | Heilbuth Family, papers | 1902-1944 | Includes several sketches and drawings by Ernst Heilbuth, most in the 1910s and 1920s, family photographs and genealogies, birth and other certificates. Also includes 3 photograph albums. Most material is pre-war. Of interest is passenger list and menu from United States Line, from Hamburg to New York, 25-28 July 1939. |
2005-0001 | A. Leo Oppenheim, papers | 1938-1945 | Includes family correspondence. Also includes records that document his attempt to extricate his parents from Terezin. |
2005-0002 | Nazi collar tab | SS collar tab | |
2005-0004 | Gustavus A. Pfeiffer, letter | 1938 | Letter recounting visit to Germany in Feb 1938 and conditions there |
2005-0005 | Edelbaum Family | 1926, 1942-1947, n.d. | Includes family and official correspondence, copy of photos, school records |
2005-0006 | Kurt Gunter Michaelis papers | 1940s, 2000? | Includes scrapbook of drawings, artifacts, interview with Dr. Eischeid. Also includes Jude stars, felt woven and mica processed at Terezin, scrapbook of drawings done by father in Terezin. Paper was traded for daily bread ration, depicting scenes of daily life before the war. |
2005-0007 | Lasus Family, papers View finding aid. |
1939-1950s | Austrian family emigrating through Shanghai. Includes numerous Shanghai-related documents (including English-language newspaper The China Press), emigration papers, artifacts and photos. Also includes memoir, entitled Episode Shanghai |
2005-0008 | Erich and Erna Kraus, papers | 1938-1939 | Includes affidavits of support, genealogical document |
2005-0009 | Muriel Schonbek Paule, papers | 1938, 1940 | Includes passport and Lodz currency |
2005-0010 | Liebmann and Niklas Family Papers View letter from young Latvian in a DP camp. |
1894-1937 | Passports, correspondence, documents from 2 seemingly separate families — Liebman and Niklas. Includes papers from Elsa Theinert Niklas’ birth family. Includes conversion certificate to Judaism for Elsa Theinert in 1922. Shanghai. Also includes letter from DP camp to Kurt Liebmann. |
2005-0011 | Seraphim Report cover letter | 2 Dec 1941 | Item is cover letter to a report by Prof. Seraphim on how to best handle labor needs in Ukraine, referring to “superfluous eaters.” Part of evidence submitted in Nuremberg trials. English translation available. |
2005-0012 | Alice Goldstein Resseguie Papers View postcard sent to Hans Fritzsche. |
1941-1945 | Collection of materials collected by Alice Resseguie when she worked for Army Intelligence after the war ended. Includes correspondence among major figures in Propaganda Ministry, including Hans Fritzsche. Includes English translation of some materials. |
2005-0013 | Dr. Bernard Kaufman, Jr. papers | 1940s | Dr. Kaufman served with US Army during World War II. Collection includes numerous Nazi artifacts, including medic’s kit. Also includes numerous newspapers, including Nazi publications and Russian newspapers. Also includes Dr. Kaufman’s family memoir. |
2005-0014 | Auschwitz hospital documents | 1945 | Reports and documents from hospital at Auschwitz after its liberation. |
2006-0001 | Herman Kniss, photographs | 1945 | Photographs of post-war Germany, including 10 concentration camp photos. Herman Kniss was a first- generation American of German descent, who participated in the liberation of a German concentration camp, name unknown. |
2006-0004 | “Das Entnazifizierungsgesetz” (Denazification Law) | Oct 1946 | Denazification edict, newsprint, issued by Allies, Decree #38. Summary of document and partial translation available. |
2006-0005 | Lodz Ghetto currency | 1940s | Eine mark, 50 pfennig bills |
2006-0006 | Staatsbibliothek Krakau: Feierliche Eroffnung | April 1941 | Program for ceremonial opening of the State Library in Krakow by Dr. Frank, Reich Minister of the Generalgouvernement |
2006-0007 | International Committee of the Red Cross: International Tracing Service, reports View finding aid. |
1947-1983 | Operations Reports for the International Red Cross’s Tracing Service from 1947-1976, Annual Reports for 1982-1983, informational reports, 1986 |
2006-0008 | Trufant Foster, papers | 1945, n.d. | Includes manuscript, “Crimes of Dachau”, photographs of camp liberation near Hailfingen, Germany, and 2 copies of posters by M/Sgt Jack Bessee |
2006-0009 | Henry Kahn, papers | n.d. | Copy of a manuscript, “This is Dachau,” which includes photographs and descriptions of Dachau concentration camp |
2006-0010 | Paul Jacobs, papers | 1961 | Press pass for Eichmann trial |
2006-0011 | Ehren-Chronik | [194-?] | Scrapbook to honor soldiers fighting for “Fuehrer und Vaterland”. Includes pages (blank) for photographs. |
2006-0012 | “Jewish Survivors of Theresienstadt” | n.d. | List of names of survivors of Theresienstadt, last names beginning with P-Z only. Possibly fragment from larger work. |
2006-0013 | Schupo-Kriegsverbrecher in Kolomea vor dem Wiener Volksgericht | 1957 | Collection of documents prepared for publication by former citizens of Kolomea, living in Israel. Documents concern the trials of police war criminals in Vienna. |
2006-0014 | Gertrude Schnellenberg, papers | 1940s | Scrapbook of photographs and memorabilia from Mrs. Schnellenberg’s years in Shanghai during World War II. Also includes pre- and post-war photographs. |
2006-0015 | United States High Commissioner, Reports | 1948-1949 | Reports describe conditions in Austria after the war and activities of US governing and occupying forces in Austria. |
2006-0016 | Jerrol Harris, papers | 1940, 1945 | Wehrpass (service record) for E. Graf, Dachau commemoration book, 1 issue of Lighting, newspaper of the 78th Infantry Division. |
2006-0017 | John Scott, papers | 1945 | 14 black & white photographs, and 12 negatives, of liberation of Buchenwald |
2006-0018 | International Refugee Organization Draft Provisional Order No. 42.1 | [1948?] | Draft order whose subject is the procedure for determining which persons are within the mandate of the organization (eligibility determination). Includes chronology of events of World War II, by country. |
2006-0019 | C.L.N.A.I.: Atti del Comando Generale – Corpo Volontari Della Liberta | n.d. | |
2006-0020 | Memorial in Amsterdam, photographs | n.d. | Memorial listing names of Dutch Jews, including Anne Frank, who perished during the Holocaust. |
2006-0021 | David Stern, papers | n.d. | Comprised of xerox copies of books and publication that describe the history of several Jewish communities in Germany. |
2006-0022 | Stuthof Concentration Camp photographs, Mark Markov-Grinberg | 1945 | Signed enlargements of photographs taken at the liberation of Stuthof by Soviet Jewish photographer Mark Markov-Grinberg. |
2007-0001 | Max and Mae Mandl, papers | 1914-1964 | Personal papers, including correspondence, photographs and documents. |
2007-0002 | Marx Family, papers | 1922-1957 | Includes documents and photographs relating to experiences of the Marx Family, including Kurt Marx’s service in the Palestine Brigade. |
2007-0003 | M. Oppenheimer Periodical Collection | 1944-1945 | Collection is comprised of twelve issues of various French periodicals describing the liberation of France from Nazi occupation. |
2007-0004 | Eichmann Clippings Collection | 1961-1963 | Collection is comprised of clippings and articles from various newspapers and magazines on the subject of the Adolf Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Israel. |
2007-0005 | “Erfahrungen aus der Beobachtung und Abwehr rechtsradikaler und antisemitischer Tendenzen im Jahre 1962” | 1963 | Report of the German Bundesminister des Innern. |
2007-0006 | The Gestapo: Hitler’s Secret Police – The Nazi Scourge in Germany, The Conquered Countries, The United States | 1941 | Publication by the Friends of Democracy |
2007-0007 | Eva Seligman-Kennard/Efim Babouchkin papers | n.d. | Unpublished manuscript describing the history of the Jewish communities of the following Ukrainian towns: Berdichev, Nemirov, Bratslav, Vinnitsa and Medzibozh. |
2007-0008 | “Report of the Institute of Jewish Affairs for the Period February 1, 1941-April 30, 1947,” American and Jewish World Congress | n.d. | Report describes the history of the Institute, and its planning and research activities. Appendices include lists of staff, archives and library collection areas, publications and research files. |
2007-0009 | Michael Hesse, photographic collection | 1945 | Black and white photographs of liberation of concentration camp, probably Bergen Belsen. |
2007-0010 | Elizabeth Zierer, papers | 1948, 1993, n.d. | Papers and photographs of non-Jewish Auschwitz survivor. Papers include memoirs and short fiction. Also included are 25 black and white photographs taken in a Displaced Persons camp in 1948. |
2007-0011 | Nat Schmulowitz, papers | 1939-1945, 1961-1962 | Collection of articles, clippings, correspondence, radio broadcasts, notes and writings on the subjects of antisemitism, the Holocaust and the Adolf Eichmann trial. Nat Schmulowitz (1899-1966) lived in San Francisco and was a nationally known attorney, civic leader and bibliophile. |
2007-0012 | Nazi documents, facsimiles and photocopies | 1943-1945 | This artificial collection includes a facsimile of the introduction of the Stroop Report, photocopy of the Wannsee Protocols from Police D’Israel during the Eichmann trial, facsimile of “Marriage Certificate of Adolf Hitler” with English translation, facsimiles of Adolf Hitler’s “My Political Testament” and “My Private Will” with English translations. |
2007-0013 | “Nazi Ticket for All Who Criticize American Liberty” | 1939 | “Ticket” contrasts Nazi policies on property, taxation, labor, children, women, religion, entertainment, outdoor sports and family with the policies of the United States on these subjects. |
2007-0014 | Aufstellung ueber den Buecherbestand in der Bibliothek der F.I.R. | June 1970 | Catalog of book holdings in the library of F.I.R. (Fédération Internationale des Résistants), created in 1951 in Vienna, now located in Berlin. |
2007-0015 | Edith Milcher Curtis papers | 1938-1964 | Collection comprises letters, documents and photo sent to Mrs. Curtis and her family from friends and acquaintances. The letters document the situation of Jews in occupied Austria seeking to emigrate after the Anschluss. Collection also includes letters written by those Austrian Jews who had already emigrated to other countries, including several from a friend living in Quito, Ecuador. |
2008-0001 | Ralph Romberg papers | 1938, 1972 | Collection comprised of family documents of German Jewish family — letter revoking health insurance, and certificates of good conduct for his parents. |
2008-0002 | Notgeld | 1927 | Currency issued by town of Tostedt during inflationary period between the wars, illustration of two Jewish men hanging from a tree surrounded by ravens. Example of antisemitic feeling in Germany after World War I. |
2008-0003 | Werner Loeb papers | 1943, 1945 | Papers relating to imprisonment in Terezin during the war and after liberation. Includes father’s death certificate. |
2008-004 | Heinz Frankenstein papers | 1939 June 1 | Correspondence issued by the U.S. Consulate in Stuttgart, Germany regarding the status of immigration visas. |
2008-005 | Roelof Van Zyl collection | 1941-1965 | Collection includes books and 35 issues of the past WWII journal Onderdrukking en Verzet, as well as a copy of Mr. Van Zyl’s memoir, ration cards from post-WWII Netherlands, and 8 mm Nazi German newsreels of France and of battle ships in the English Channel. |
2008-006 | Elfriede Feuer Sobiloff papers | 1933, 1939 | Comprising a passport and school records |
2008-007 | Betty de Vries papers | 1918, 1951, undated | Baby book for Ms. de Vries, photograph album post-war Amsterdam and Israel, lithographs post-war of life in Netherlands between 1940-1945. |
2008-008 | Harvey Gotliffe papers | Personal papers of Dr. Harvey Gotliffe regarding his work with Holocaust denial at San Jose State University. | |
2008-009 | Hella and Arnold Levi papers | 1930-1942 | Correspondence and documents of Hella Lion Levi and her husband Arnold Levi, refugees from Frankfurt, Germany, documenting their flight from Germany and residency in Shanghai, China, during World War II. |
2009-001 | Max Hoffman collection | 1933-1945 | Nazi regalia – medals, flags, armbands, gun holster, helmet – gathered by Mr. Hoffman, an American soldier, after World War II. |
2009-002 | “Wir Mahnen Zum Frieden” | 1950 | A remembrance calendar commemorating the sacrifices of anti-Nazi resistance fighters, published in East Germany in 1950 by the organization Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Nazi regimes. |
2009-004 | Hammer-Flugblaetter collection of issues | After 1902 | |
2009-005 | “Pour Toi…Poemes” by Renee Schwab | 1928 | Book of poetry of 94 pages written by a French Jewish woman who perished during the Holocaust. |
2009-006 | Addressbuch fur die Landeshaupftstadt Karlsruhe | 1937 | 1937 address book for Karlsruhe, Germany |
2009-007 | Gene Lang photograph collection | 1945 | 10 photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp |
2009-008 | Monica Werner family photographs | 1937-1946, 1994 | The collection is comprised of photographs of various members of an extended German Jewish family from Berlin who perished in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Also included are xerox copies of documentation of the fate of these family members, and explanatory material written by the donor of the collection |
2009-009 | Personal items confiscated from Holocaust victims | 1930s-1940s | Contains one ring, two watches, one pendant. Items were found in the warehouse; they had been confiscated from Holocaust victims. |
2009-010 | Rosa Schonberger collection | 1933-1945 | Includes Nazi regalia, including medals, belt buckle, insiginias and armbands |
2009-011 | Leo Diaz collection | 1943-1945 | Includes scrapbook, flag, medals, insignias. Leo Diaz was an American soldier fighting in Europe in World War II. |
2009-021 | Ghetto and Concentration Camp Currency Collection | 1942-1945 | |
2009-027 | Hershel Z. Herzberg collection | 1940s | Several Holocaust-era publications, including TDer Untermensch |
2009-028 | Ketty Goldschmidt postcard | 1944 April 8 | A postcard sent by Ketty Goldschmidt on April 8, 1944, from Terezin concentration camp, to Mr. and Mrs. Golenzer of Hamburg. The postcard is a pre-printed form postcard acknowledging receipt of goods. |
2009-029 | Bernard Levine papers | 1945, 2009 | World War II-era artifacts, newspapers and essay of remembrance. |
2009-030 | Photograph of Kraljevica concentration camp, Croatia | undated | |
2009-031 | Emi Leviev Hester yellow Star of David button | 1943-1944 | A yellow Star of David button, issued to Jews in Bulgaria during the period of 1942-1944, and meant to be worn as identification as a Jew. |
2009-032 | Nazi flag charm | 1938 | |
2009-033 | Helga Newman papers | 1898-1954 | Comprising correspondence, documents and copies of photographs. Helga Newman was a German Jewish child who was sent on a Kindertransport to England. |
2010-001 | Elie A. Cohen collection | 1948-1993 | The Elie A. Cohen papers are comprised of research materials, the bulk of which was accumulated between the 1950s-1980s, clippings on Cohen dating from the 1950s-1970s, notes and articles on survivor syndrome and unpublished manuscripts by various authors. In addition there are a substantial number of journals and articles addressing the psychological impact of the concentration camp. |
2010-002 | Louis G. Kaplan collection | Between 1960-1990 | Collection comprises four testimonies from a collection of 122 survivors, interviewed in the town of Afula, Israel, conducted by the students of Ben Gurion High School under the direction of their teachers and staff. Mr. Louis G. Kaplan translated these testimonies from Hebrew. |
2010-003 | Simon Walter papers | 1939-1944 | Comprises letters, documents, photographs, negatives and artifacts of Simon Walter, perhaps a Polish Jew, who lived in Palestine and Nairobi during the war years. |
2010-005 | Almanacs, Yearbooks, and Address Books collection | 1933-1995 | |
2010-008 | Kathe Weiner papers | 1941-1946 | Comprising correspondence and documents of a German Jewish woman living in Shanghai |
2010-007 | Nathan Safar photograph | 1944 | Comprising one photograph of Hungarians in a forced labor camp |
2010-010 | Ervan Jacobs collection | 1944-1945 | Comprising photographs, artifact, and documents collected by an American Jewish soldier |
2010-011 | John Steiner collection | 1977-1997 | Papers and audiotapes documenting John Steiner’s work with Holocaust perpetrators. |
2010-012 | United States Army propaganda poster | 1945 | Comprising one poster, printed by either the United States Army or the British Army with a title “Don’t Fraternize” and a photograph of stacked bodies with a caption “Mauthausen.” |
2011-001 | Cloth fragment from concentration camp uniform | 1942-1945 | Fragment from blue and white striped concentration camp uniform with upside down red triangle and prisoner number |
2011-002 | William Bachner papers | 1982-1994 | Collection documents the work of William Bachner, a Polish Jew who hid his identity and rescued others during the Holocaust, and comprises a transcript of an oral history interview, correspondence between Mr. Bachner and his biographer Samuel P. Oliner, articles and clippings, and other correspondence. |
2011-003 | Lore Shelley papers | 1981-2004 | Comprises photographs, documents and corespondence relating to the life and work of Holocaust survivor Lore Shelley, who authored five books based on interviews with Holocaust survivors. |
2011-004 | Tikvah Acharey Hashoah newsletter | 1998-2000 | Comprising five newsletters of Tikvah Acharey Hashoah, a San Francisco Bay area Holocaust survivors group |
2011-005 | Joachim Schapira passport | 1939 | Passport of Mr. Joachim Schapira, who fled Munich, Germany for the United States |
2011-006 | T. Werner Schwarz papers | 1937-1991 | Comprising T. Werner Schwarz’s correspondence with Wilfred Isarel who assisted in the rescue of Jews in Germany and other related material. |
2012-001 | Walt Fraser papers | 1939-1948 | Comprising personal papers that document Mr. Fraser’s experiences as a German-Jewish refugee, living in Shanghai, China from 1939-1948. |
2012-002 | Ernest and Edna Falk papers | 1938-1940 | Comprising photographs and documents related to the experiences of a German-Jewish couple who fled Frankfurt and sheltered in San Francisco with their sponsors, the Edelstein family. |
2012-003 | Clarence Benjamin and Lawrence Weseman collection | 1945, 2008 | Comprises a album of photographs taken by Clarence Benjamin during the liberation of a freight train in Farsleben, Germany, outside of Magdeburg in April 1945. The album was created by an acquaintance of Mr. Benjamin’s, Lawrence Weseman. |
2012-004 | Eva Norman papers | 1945-2004 | Comprises materials and medical records relating to compensation claims for Holocaust survivor Elisabeth (Alzbeta/Ercsi) Loew (nee Gluksman) and her daughter Eva Norman (nee Lustig). Elisabeth lived in a part of Hungary (Kosice) that by the time of Eva’s birth had become interwar Czechoslovakia. Includes records and correspondence from interwar Czechoslovakia up through Eva and Elisabeth’s immigration to the United States after the Holocaust. |
2013-001 | Weiss family papers | 1977-2012 | The collection comprises papers of the Weiss family of San Francisco, California. The collection documents the history of the Weiss family’s involvement in an incident surrounding the opening of a Neo-Nazi bookstore in San Francisco in April 1977 and their continuing involvement in Holocaust commemoration and education in the San Francisco Bay Area after the establishment of the Holocaust Library and Research Center in 1979. |
2013-002 | George Avigliano photographs | 1945 | The collection comprises nine (9) black and white photographs taken by Mr. George Avigliano, a soldier with the United States Army, after the liberation of an unidentified concentration camp in Germany in 1945. |
2013-003 | Werner Gottlieb papers | 1999-2012 | This collection comprises papers related to Mr. Werner Gottlieb’s work with post- Holocaust reconciliation work in his hometown of Frankenwinheim, Germany. |
2013-004 | Hermann Feller boots | 1938 | The collection comprises a pair of boots issued to Hermann Feller, a German Jew, at Buchenwald concentration camp on November 10, 1938, after his arrest in Chemnitz, Germany during Kristallnacht on November 9, 1938. |
2013-006 | Unidentified World War II veteran photographs and Nazi artifacts | 1944, 1945 | The collection comprises a Nazi armband, a German Red Cross armband, and seven black and white photographs taken by an unidentified American soldier shortly after the end of World War II. |
Muschi Collection | 1990-2001 | Dachau concentration camp following its liberation | 1945 |
Boas Westerbork Collection | 1993-2001 | Transit camp Westerbork, Holland during German occupation of Holland and other subjects | 1942-1945 |
Dr. A. Feher Collection | 1988-2135 | Hungarian Jews in forced labor camps, Auschwitz, Holocaust Memorial photos | [1941-1942, ?] |
Jan Hartmann Collection | 1988-2001 | Nazi leaders, Reichstag Fire trial, Prominent German personages of period, Various Nazi rallies and meetings. German personages and local Nazi leaders | 1929-1934 |
Deportations | 1988-2027 | Deporation to Auschwitz in a van from Steinheim, Germany on 28 July 1942 | 1942 |
1988-2136 | Deporation of Jews from Hanau, Germany on May 30, 1942 | 1942 | |
1990-2002 | Deportation of Jews from Wiesbaden, Germany, taken by German authorities | 27-29 August 1942 | |
Ghetto | 1990-2000 | Kovno Ghetto | 1986 |
1992-2001 | Chaim Rumkowski and Hans Biebow (Lodz ghetto) | undated | |
Kristallnacht and Jews in Germany | 1988-2022 | Sacking and burning of Nurnberg synagogue, Kristallnacht. Also photos of Nazi officers. | Nov 1938 |
1988-2046 | Burned synagogue, Nuremberg, Germany, Kristallnacht | Nov 1938 | |
1988-2050 | Destruction of synagogue in Abterode (Hessen), Germany during Kristallnacht | Nov 1938 | |
1988-2118 | Herne, Germany: Kristallnacht, contemporary memorials, Nazi-era photos | undated | |
1988-2129 | Kristallnacht | undated | |
Liberation of the Camps | |||
KZ Auschwitz | 1988-2017 | KZ Auschwitz | undated |
1988-2110 | KZ Auschwitz | undated | |
KZ Bergen Belsen | 1988-2018 | Bergen Belsen concentration camp | undated |
1988-2023 | Bergen Belsen concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2038 | Cecilia Einhorn at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Germany | Apr 1945 | |
1988-2103 | KZ Bergen-Belsen, taken at time of liberation | Apr 1945 | |
1988-2109 | KZ Bergen-Belsen, taken at time of liberation by the British Army | Apr 1945 | |
1995-2002 | British Army liberation of Concentration Camp Bergen-Belsen | 15 April 1945 | |
KZ Buchenwald | 1988-2007 | Corpses at Buchenwald concentration camp | 1945 |
1988-2021 | Human skin tattoo from Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2036 | Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2073 | Concentration Camp Buchenwald | 1945 | |
1988-2081 | KZ Buchenwald at time of liberation | May 1945 | |
1990-2005 | KZ Buchenwald, French dealing with a collaborator following liberation | 1989 | |
KZ Dachau | 1988-2003 | Dachau liberation | 1945 |
1988-2006 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2011 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2012 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2030 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945, 1951 | |
1988-2031 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2034 | Dachau concentration camp, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2071 | KZ Dachau (3 days after liberation) | May 1945 | |
1988-2075 | KZ Dachau | undated | |
1988-2079 | KZ Dachau | May 1945 | |
1988-2084 | KZ Dachau | undated | |
1988-2113 | US Army hanging of Nazi war criminal — KZ Dachau | 29 May 1945 | |
1992-2002 | KZ Dachau | 1945? | |
1995-2005 | KZ Dachau, after liberation | 1945 | |
KZ Ebensee | 1988-2041 | Ebensee concentration camp, Austria | 1945 |
1988-2042 | Ebensee concentration camp, Austria | 1945 | |
1988-2044 | Ebensee concentration camp, Austria | 1945 | |
1988-2045 | Ebensee concentration camp, Austria | 1945 | |
1988-2083 | KZ Ebensee at time of liberation by US Army | May 1945 | |
1988-2104 | KZ Ebensee | 1945? | |
1988-2105 | KZ Ebensee at time of liberation | May 1945 | |
1988-2106 | KZ Ebensee at time of liberation | May 1945 | |
KZ Ferramonti | 1988-2026 | Ferramonti concentration camp, Italy | |
KZ Flossenburg | 1988-2085 | KZ Flossenburg | undated |
Gardelegen Atrocity | 1988-2010 | Gardelegen, Germany | 1945 |
1988-2014 | Gardelegen, Germany and environs | 1945 | |
1988-2039 | Gardelegen, German | 1945 | |
1988-2048 | Gardelegen , Germany | Apr 1945 | |
1988-2108 | Gardelegen , Germany | 1945? | |
1994-2002 | Gardelegen , Germany | April 1945 | |
1998-2001 | Occupation of Gardelegen and discovery of atrocity | Apr 1945 | |
KZ Gunskirchen | 1988-2127 | KZ Gunskirchen (Austria) at time of liberation by US Army | May 1945 |
KZ Gusen | 1988-2089 | KZ Gusen, Austria | 1945? |
KZ Hamburg | 1988-2090 | KZ Hamburg | undated |
KZ Landsberg | 1988-2065 | Liberation of KZ Landsberg, Germany | 1945 |
1988-2080 (see also 1990-2004) | KZ Landsberg at time of liberation. | May 1945 | |
KZ Mauthausen | 1988-2024 | Mauthausen concentration camp, Austria | 1944 |
1988-2032 | Mauthausen concentration camp, Austria | 1945 | |
1988-2072 | KZ Mauthausen | 1945 | |
1988-2092 | KZ Mauthausen | 1945? | |
1990-2004 (see also 1988-2080) | KZ Mauthausen at time of liberation | May 1945 | |
KZ – Mixed | 1988-2002 | Concentration camps Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, US Army Signal Corps | 1945 |
1988-2015 | Nis, Banjica, Sajmiste concentration camps, Yugoslavia | undated | |
1988-2051 | Ralph Rosenberg collection. Liberation of various Nazi concentration camps, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2052 | Liberation of various Nazi concentration camps, Germany | 1945 | |
1988-2076 | Various Yugoslavia concentration camps | undated | |
1988-2078 | Unknown concentration camps | May 1945 | |
1988-2082 | Various concentration camps as they were liberated | 1945 | |
1988-2102 | Various concentration camps. Names unknown | ||
1988-2107 | Various unknown concentration camps | 1945? | |
1988-2123 | Liberation of Nazi concentration camps by US Army | 1945 | |
1988-2139 | Various concentration camps at liberation | April 1945 | |
1988-2140 | US Army liberation of KZ Ebensee, Mauthausen, Gusen, Liz and other camps | Apr-May 1945 | |
KZ Natzweiler-Struthof | 1988-2093 | KZ Natzweiler | undated |
1988-2098 | KZ Struthof | undated | |
KZ Neuengamme | 1988-2101 | KZ Neuengamme | 1945? |
KZ Nordhausen | 1988-2013 | Nordhausen concentration camp, Germany | 1945 |
1988-2094 | KZ Nordhausen | 1945 | |
1993-2004 | Liberation of KZ Nordhausen, Germany by 104th Division, US Army | 1945 | |
KZ Nurnberg | 1988-2020 | Nurnberg concentration camp, Germany | |
1988-2070 | KZ Nurmberg | 1945? | |
1988-2099 | KZ Nurmberg | 1945? | |
KZ Ohrdruf | 1988-2009 | Ohrdruf Concentration Camp | 1945 |
1988-2040 | Ohrdruf Concentration Camp, Germany | 1945 | |
KZ Oranienburg | 1988-2100 | KZ Oranienburg | undated |
KZ Sachsenhausen | 1988-2095 | KZ Sachsenhausen | undated |
KZ Schwabmunchen | 1988-2096 | KZ Schwabmunchen, Germany | 1945? |
KZ Sobibor | 1988-2114 | KZ Sobibor, Poland | undated |
KZ Solingen-Landwehr | 1988-2091 | KZ Solingen-Landwehr | 1945? |
1988-2097 | KZ Solingen-Landwehr | 1945 | |
KZ Stutthof | 2006-2001 | KZ Stuthof | 1945 |
KZ Tekla | 1988-2025 | Tekla concentration camp, Germany | 1944 |
1988-2074 | KZ Tekla (Leipzig) | undated | |
KZ Terezin | 1988-2053 | Terezin ghetto, Czechoslovakia | undated |
1988-2086 | KZ Terezin (Theresienstadt) | undated | |
1995-2006 | KZ Terezin – “Arrival of prisoners from KZ Buchenwald to KZ Terezin, 7 May 1945” | 1945 | |
KZ Unknown | 2000-2002 | Bodies at liberated Nazi concentration camp (camp unknown) | 1945 |
KZ Vught | 1988-2125 | KZ Vught, Holland | undated |
KZ Waldheim | 1988-2037 | Waldheim concentration camp, Germany. Picture of Dutch woman prisoner in chains | |
KZ Westerbork | 1988-2064 | Dutch Jews working in fields at KZ Westerbork, Holland | Aug 1943 |
KZ Wobbelin | 1988-2087 | KZ Wobbelin (Ludwigslust) Germany | 1945? |
Memorials | 1988-2005 | Plaque commemorating Jewish population losses in Europe in WW II | undated |
1988-2008 | Gurs Concentration Camp Post-War memorial, France | undated | |
1988-2019 | Auschwitz concentration camp, Poland | undated | |
1988-2033 | Made from drawings of Westerbork concentration camp, Holland | ||
1988-2043 | Ebensee concentration camp Memorial, Austria | undated | |
1988-2047 | Holocaust memorials, Germany (sites not identified) | undated | |
1988-2054 | Jewish memorial/synagogue, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; monuments, Germany and France | ||
1988-2088 | KZ Mauthausen | undated | |
1988-2128 | Old Jewish cemetery in Prague | undated | |
1988-2130 | Jewish historical museum in Krakow, Poland | ||
1988-2131 | Bergen-Belsen Camp | ||
1991-2001 | Auschwitz museum. Photos by Ira Nowinski | undated | |
1992-2004 | Holocaust Memorial, Brussels, Belgium | undated | |
1992-2005 | KZ Struthof (Natzweiler-Strutthof) Memorial, Germany | undated | |
1992-2006 | Holocaust memorial in Satu Mare, Rumania | May 1983 | |
1992-2007 | Children’s memorial, Lodz, Poland; KZ Treblinka memorial; KZ Maidanek memorial | undated | |
1994-2003 | KZ Mauthausen Memorial | 1990? | |
1994-2004 | KZ Auschwitz | undated | |
1995-2007 | Various Holocaust memorials and museums in Europe and the US | undated | |
2006-0020 | Memorial lists names of perished Dutch Jews, including Anne Frank and Fritz Kraemer, husband of donor. | undated |